Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010 | 14:38 WIB
Berapa jumlah pelanggan terbesar sebuah operator? China Mobile boleh bangga, karena operator ini membukukan sebanyak 564.356.000 pelanggan (catatan hingga September 2010). Operator ini sekaligus menduduki peringkat pertama sebagai yang memiliki pelanggan terbanyak di seluruh dunia. Operator yang saham mayoritasnya dimiliki oleh pemerintah ini tidak hanya melayani penduduk di negerinya sendiri, namun juga di Pakistan melalui kerjasama operator lokal, ZoNG.
Di posisi kedua, Vodafone dengan jumlah pelanggan 427.990.000. Namun, Vodafone punya
basis pelanggan jauh lebih banyak dibandingkan China Mobile.Yaitu tersebar di lebih dari 30 negara. Telefonica/Movistar/O2 sampai Juni 2010 mencatatkan sebanyak 278 juta pelanggan dengan domisili pelanggan di 20 negara, khususnya di kawasan Eropa dan Amerika Latin.
Tiga operator tentulah layak mendapatkan pelanggan sebesar itu. Mereka memang raksasa. Coba bandingkan dengan Mexico yang jumlah penduduknya tak sebanyak China. Operator lokal yang dimiliki milyuner dunia, Carlos Slim, bernama America Movil sukses meraih pelanggan tidak saja di negerinya sendiri, tapi juga merembet ke 16 negara di Amerika Latin, termasuk Amerika. Jumlah pelanggannya menembus 215.060.000.
Operator India, Bharti yang sahamnya dimiliki oleh Bharti, SingTel, dan Vodafone melakukan penetrasi pasar ke luar India, khususnya ke kawasan Afrika. Tak kurang dari 12 negara di benua itu menyumbangkan pelanggan kepada Bharti. Bahkan, Bharti juga menyisir negara tetangga seperti Srilanka dan Bangladesh. Jumlahnya186 juta pelanggan.
Dari negara Skandinavia, Norwegia mewakilkan Telenor menduduki peringkat enam. Telenor tak hanya berkutat di negara sendiri, juga Swedia dan Denmark. Tapi juga melakukan kerjasama dengan operator di Thailand, Malaysia, Rusia, bahkan Serbia. Pantaslah jumlah konsumennya nyaris menghampiri perolehan Bharti, yaitu 184 juta.
Orange Prancis punya catatan sendiri selaku peraih rangking tujuh. Tahun silam pada September total pelanggan baru mencapai 93,8 juta. Tapi Juni 2010, melompat dua kali lipat, 182 juta konsumen. Maklum saja, Orange punya basis pelanggan di lebih dari 30 negara, utamanya di beberapa negara di Afrika.
Operator millik 100 persen Deutsche Telekom, TMobile menyisir negaranegara di sekitarnya, selain Jerman tentu saja. Dengan upaya itu, operator ini mampu duduk di kursi nomor delapan dengan 150 juta pelanggan lebih. Telia Sonera, meski lahir dari sebuah negara kecil bernama Swedia, tapi mampu membukukan jumlah pelanggan mencapai 143,9 juta. Tentu berkat kerjabareng Sonera yang di Finlandia, Geocell di Georgia, Moldcell di Moldova, dan beberapa negara di Eropa lainnya. Urutan berikutnya alias ke10 disabet oleh operator China lainnya, China Unicom.
Telefonica punya saham kecil di operator ini. Tapi China Unicom hanya berbasis pelanggan di negerinya sendiri. Operator ini meraih 156 juta lebih. Lantas, posisi berapa operator Indonesia? Telkomsel boleh bangga, karena sukses masuk di urutan 17. Jumlah pelanggan Telkomsel jauh melebihi operator ternama macam NTT DoCoMo Jepang yang hanya duduk di posisi 28.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Evolution Of Computer Viruses, History Of Viruses
part 1
Like any other field in computer science, viruses have evolved -a great deal indeed- over the years. In the series of press releases which start today, we will look at the origins and evolution of malicious code since it first appeared up to the present.
Going back to the origin of viruses, it was in 1949 that Mathematician John Von Neumann described self-replicating programs which could resemble computer viruses as they are known today. However, it was not until the 60s that we find the predecessor of current viruses. In that decade, a group of programmers developed a game called Core Wars, which could reproduce every time it was run, and even saturate the memory of other players’ computers. The creators of this peculiar game also created the first antivirus, an application named Reeper, which could destroy copies created by Core Wars.
However, it was only in 1983 that one of these programmers announced the existence of Core Wars, which was described the following year in a prestigious scientific magazine: this was actually the starting point of what we call computer viruses today.
At that time, a still young MS-DOS was starting to become the preeminent operating system worldwide. This was a system with great prospects, but still many deficiencies as well, which arose from software developments and the lack of many hardware elements known today. Even like this, this new operating system became the target of a virus in 1986: Brain, a malicious code created in Pakistan which infected boot sectors of disks so that their contents could not be accessed. That year also saw the birth of the first Trojan: an application called PC-Write.
Shortly after, virus writers realized that infecting files could be even more harmful to systems. In 1987, a virus called Suriv-02 appeared, which infected COM files and opened the door to the infamous viruses Jerusalem or Viernes 13. However, the worst was still to come: 1988 set the date when the “Morris worm” appeared, infecting 6,000 computers.
From that date up to 1995 the types of malicious codes that are known today started being developed: the first macro viruses appeared, polymorphic viruses … Some of these even triggered epidemics, such as MichaelAngelo. However, there was an event that changed the virus scenario worldwide: the massive use of the Internet and e-mail. Little by little, viruses started adapting to this new situation until the appearance, in 1999, of Melissa, the first malicious code to cause a worldwide epidemic, opening a new era for computer viruses.
part 2
This second installment of ‘The evolution of viruses’ will look at how malicious code used to spread before use of the Internet and e-mail became as commonplace as it is today, and the main objectives of the creators of those earlier viruses.
Until the worldwide web and e-mail were adopted as a standard means of communication the world over, the main mediums through which viruses spread were floppy disks, removable drives, CDs, etc., containing files that were already infected or with the virus code in an executable boot sector.
When a virus entered a system it could go memory resident, infecting other files as they were opened, or it could start to reproduce immediately, also infecting other files on the system. The virus code could also be triggered by a certain event, for example when the system clock reached a certain date or time. In this case, the virus creator would calculate the time necessary for the virus to spread and then set a date –often with some particular significance- for the virus to activate. In this way, the virus would have an incubation period during which it didn’t visibly affect computers, but just spread from one system to another waiting for ‘D-day’ to launch its payload. This incubation period would be vital to the virus successfully infecting as many computers as possible.
One classic example of a destructive virus that lay low before releasing its payload was CIH, also known as Chernobyl. The most damaging version of this malicious code activated on April 26, when it would try to overwrite the flash-BIOS, the memory which includes the code needed to control PC devices. This virus, which first appeared in June 1998, had a serious impact for over two years and still continues to infect computers today.
Because of the way in which they propagate, these viruses spread very slowly, especially in comparison to the speed of today’s malicious code. Towards the end of the Eighties, for example, the Friday 13th (or Jerusalem) virus needed a long time to actually spread and continued to infect computers for some years. In contrast, experts reckon that in January 2003, SQLSlammer took just ten minutes to cause global communication problems across the Internet.
Notoriety versus stealth
For the most part, in the past, the activation of a malicious code triggered a series of on screen messages or images, or caused sounds to be emitted to catch the user’s attention. Such was the case with the Ping Pong virus, which displayed a ball bouncing from one side of the screen to another. This kind of elaborate display was used by the creator of the virus to gain as much notoriety as possible. Nowadays however, the opposite is the norm, with virus authors trying to make malicious code as discreet as possible, infecting users’ systems without them noticing that anything is amiss.
part 3
This third installment of ‘The evolution of viruses’ will look at how the Internet and e-mail changed the propagation techniques used by computer viruses.
Internet and e-mail revolutionized communications. However, as expected, virus creators didn’t take long to realize that along with this new means of communication, an excellent way of spreading their creations far and wide had also dawned. Therefore, they quickly changed their aim from infecting a few computers while drawing as much attention to themselves as possible, to damaging as many computers as possible, as quickly as possible. This change in strategy resulted in the first global virus epidemic, which was caused by the Melissa worm.
With the appearance of Melissa, the economic impact of a virus started to become an issue. As a result, users -above all companies- started to become seriously concerned about the consequences of viruses on the security of their computers. This is how users discovered antivirus programs, which started to be installed widely. However, this also brought about a new challenge for virus writers, how to slip past this protection and how to persuade users to run infected files.
The answer to which of these virus strategies was the most effective came in the form of a new worm: Love Letter, which used a simple but effective ruse that could be considered an early type of social engineering. This strategy involves inserting false messages that trick users into thinking that the message includes anything, except a virus. This worm’s bait was simple; it led users to believe that they had received a love letter.
This technique is still the most widely used. However, it is closely followed by another tactic that has been the center of attention lately: exploiting vulnerabilities in commonly used software. This strategy offers a range of possibilities depending on the security hole exploited. The first malicious code to use this method –and quite successfully- were the BubbleBoy and Kakworm worms. These worms exploited a vulnerability in Internet Explorer by inserting HTML code in the body of the e-mail message, which allowed them to run automatically, without needing the user to do a thing.
Vulnerabilities allow many different types of actions to be carried out. For example, they allow viruses to be dropped on computers directly from the Internet -such as the Blaster worm-. In fact, the effects of the virus depend on the vulnerability that the virus author tries to exploit.
part 4
In the early days of computers, there were relatively few PCs likely to contain “sensitive” information, such as credit card numbers or other financial data, and these were generally limited to large companies that had already incorporated computers into working processes.
In any event, information stored in computers was not likely to be compromised, unless the computer was connected to a network through which the information could be transmitted. Of course, there were exceptions to this and there were cases in which hackers perpetrated frauds using data stored in IT systems. However, this was achieved through typical hacking activities, with no viruses involved.
The advent of the Internet however caused virus creators to change their objectives, and, from that moment on, they tried to infect as many computers as possible in the shortest time. Also, the introduction of Internet services -like e-banking or online shopping- brought in another change. Some virus creators started writing malicious codes not to infect computers, but, to steal confidential data associated to those services. Evidently, to achieve this, they needed viruses that could infect many computers silently.
Their malicious labor was finally rewarded with the appearance, in 1986, of a new breed of malicious code generically called “Trojan Horse”, or simply “Trojan”. This first Trojan was called PC-Write and tried to pass itself off as the shareware version of a text processor. When run, the Trojan displayed a functional text processor on screen. The problem was that, while the user wrote, PC-Write deleted and corrupted files on the computers’ hard disk.
After PC-Write, this type of malicious code evolved very quickly to reach the stage of present-day Trojans. Today, many of the people who design Trojans to steal data cannot be considered virus writers but simply thieves who, instead of using blowtorches or dynamite have turned to viruses to commit their crimes. Ldpinch.W or the Bancos or Tolger families of Trojans are examples of this
part 5
Even though none of them can be left aside, some particular fields of computer science have played a more determinant role than others with regard to the evolution of viruses. One of the most influential fields has been the development of programming languages.
These languages are basically a means of communication with computers in order to tell them what to do. Even though each of them has its own specific development and formulation rules, computers in fact understand only one language called "machine code".
Programming languages act as an interpreter between the programmer and the computer. Obviously, the more directly you can communicate with the computer, the better it will understand you, and more complex actions you can ask it to perform.
According to this, programming languages can be divided into "low and high level" languages, depending on whether their syntax is more understandable for programmers or for computers. A "high level" language uses expressions that are easily understandable for most programmers, but not so much for computers. Visual Basic and C are good examples of this type of language.
On the contrary, expressions used by "low level" languages are closer to machine code, but are very difficult to understand for someone who has not been involved in the programming process. One of the most powerful, most widely used examples of this type of language is "assembler".
In order to explain the use of programming languages through virus history, it is necessary to refer to hardware evolution. It is not difficult to understand that an old 8-bit processor does not have the power of modern 64-bit processors, and this of course, has had an impact on the programming languages used.
In this and the next installments of this series, we will look at the different programming languages used by virus creators through computer history:
- Virus antecessors: Core Wars
As was already explained in the first chapter of this series, a group of programs called Core Wars, developed by engineers at an important telecommunications company, are considered the antecessors of current-day viruses. Computer science was still in the early stages and programming languages had hardly developed. For this reason, authors of these proto-viruses used a language that was almost equal to machine code to program them.
Curiously enough, it seems that one of the Core Wars programmers was Robert Thomas Morris, whose son programmed -years later- the "Morris worm". This malicious code became extraordinarily famous since it managed to infect 6,000 computers, an impressive figure for 1988.
- The new gurus of the 8-bits and the assembler language.
The names Altair, IMSAI and Apple in USA and Sinclair, Atari and Commodore in Europe, bring memories of times gone by, when a new generation of computer enthusiasts "fought" to establish their place in the programming world. To be the best, programmers needed to have profound knowledge of machine code and assembler, as interpreters of high-level languages used too much run time. BASIC, for example, was a relatively easy to learn language which allowed users to develop programs simply and quickly. It had however, many limitations.
This caused the appearance of two groups of programmers: those who used assembler and those who turned to high-level languages (BASIC and PASCAL, mainly).
Computer aficionados of the time enjoyed themselves more by programming useful software than malware. However, 1981 saw the birth of what can be considered the first 8-bit virus. Its name was "Elk Cloner", and was programmed in machine code. This virus could infect Apple II systems and displayed a message when it infected a computer.
part 6
Computer viruses evolve in much the same way as in other areas of IT. Two of the most important factors in understanding how viruses have reached their current level are the development of programming languages and the appearance of increasingly powerful hardware.
In 1981, almost at the same time as Elk Kloner (the first virus for 8-bit processors) made its appearance, a new operating system was growing in popularity. Its full name was Microsoft Disk Operating System, although computer buffs throughout the world would soon refer to it simply as DOS.
DOS viruses
The development of MS DOS systems occurred in parallel to the appearance of new, more powerful hardware. Personal computers were gradually establishing themselves as tools that people could use in their everyday lives, and the result was that the number of PCs users grew substantially. Perhaps inevitably, more users also started creating viruses. Gradually, we witnessed the appearance of the first viruses and Trojans for DOS, written in assembler language and demonstrating a degree of skill on the part of their authors.
Far less programmers know assembler language than are familiar with high-level languages that are far easier to learn. Malicious code written in Fortran, Basic, Cobol, C or Pascal soon began to appear. The last two languages, which are well established and very powerful, are the most widely used, particularly in their TurboC and Turbo Pascal versions. This ultimately led to the appearance of “virus families”: that is, viruses that are followed by a vast number of related viruses which are slightly modified forms of the original code.
Other users took the less ‘artistic’ approach of creating destructive viruses that did not require any great knowledge of programming. As a result, batch processing file viruses or BAT viruses began to appear.
Win16 viruses
The development of 16-bit processors led to a new era in computing. The first consequence was the birth of Windows, which, at the time, was just an application to make it easier to handle DOS using a graphic interface.
The structure of Windows 3.xx files is rather difficult to understand, and the assembler language code is very complicated, as a result of which few programmers initially attempted to develop viruses for this platform. But this problem was soon solved thanks to the development of programming tools for high-level languages, above all Visual Basic. This application is so effective that many virus creators adopted it as their ‘daily working tool’. This meant that writing a virus had become a very straightforward task, and viruses soon appeared in their hundreds. This development was accompanied by the appearance of the first Trojans able to steal passwords. As a result, more than 500 variants of the AOL Trojan family -designed to steal personal information from infected computers- were identified.
part 7
This seventh edition on the history of computer viruses will look at how the development of Windows and Visual Basic has influenced the evolution of viruses, as with the development of these, worldwide epidemics also evolved such as the first one caused by Melissa in 1999.
While Windows changed from being an application designed to make DOS easier to manage to a 32-bit platform and operating system in its own right, virus creators went back to using assembler as the main language for programming viruses.
Versions 5 and 6 of Visual Basic (VB) were developed, making it the preferred tool, along with Borland Delphi (the Pascal development for the Windows environment), for Trojan and worm writers. Then, Visual C, a powerful environment developed in C for Windows, was adopted for creating viruses, Trojans and worms. This last type of malware gained unusual strength, taking over almost all other types of viruses. Even though the characteristics of worms have changed over time, they all have the same objective: to spread to as many computers as possible, as quickly as possible.
With time, Visual Basic became extremely popular and Microsoft implemented part of the functionality of this language as an interpreter capable of running script files with a similar syntax.
At the same time as the Win32 platform was implemented, the first script viruses also appeared: malware inside a simple text file. These demonstrated that not only executable files (.EXE and .COM files) could carry viruses. As already seen with BAT viruses, there are also other means of propagation, proving the saying "anything that can be executed directly or through a interpreter can contain malware." To be specific, the first viruses that infected the macros included in Microsoft Office emerged. As a result, Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint become ways of spreading ‘lethal weapons’, which destroyed information when the user simply opened a document.
Melissa and self-executing worms
The powerful script interpreters in Microsoft Office allowed virus authors to arm their creations with the characteristics of worms. A clear example is Melissa, a Word macro virus with the characteristics of a worm that infects Word 97 and 2000 documents. This worm automatically sends itself out as an attachment to an e-mail message to the first 50 contacts in the Outlook address book on the affected computer. This technique, which has unfortunately become very popular nowadays, was first used in this virus which, in 1999, caused one of the largest epidemics in computer history in just a few days. In fact, companies like Microsoft, Intel or Lucent Technologies had to block their connections to the Internet due to the actions of Melissa.
The technique started by Melissa was developed in 1999 by viruses like VBS/Freelink, which unlike its predecessor sent itself out to all the contacts in the address book on the infected PC. This started a new wave of worms capable of sending themselves out to all the contacts in the Outlook address book on the infected computer. Of these, the worm that most stands out from the rest is VBS/LoveLetter, more commonly known as ‘I love You’, which emerged in May 2000 and caused an epidemic that caused damage estimated at 10,000 million euros. In order to get the user’s attention and help it to spread, this worm sent itself out in an e-mail message with the subject ‘ILOVEYOU’ and an attached file called ‘LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.VBS’. When the user opened this attachment, the computer was infected.
As well as Melissa, in 1999 another type of virus emerged that also marked a milestone in virus history. In November of that year, VBS/BubbleBoy appeared, a new type of Internet worm written in VB Script. VBS/BubbleBoy was automatically run without the user needing to click on an attached file, as it exploited a vulnerability in Internet Explorer 5 to automatically run when the message was opened or viewed. This worm was followed in 2000 by JS/Kak.Worm, which spread by hiding behind Java Script in the auto-signature in Microsoft Outlook Express, allowing it to infect computers without the user needing to run an attached file. These were the first samples of a series of worms, which were joined later on by worms capable of attacking computers when the user is browsing the Internet.
Like any other field in computer science, viruses have evolved -a great deal indeed- over the years. In the series of press releases which start today, we will look at the origins and evolution of malicious code since it first appeared up to the present.
Going back to the origin of viruses, it was in 1949 that Mathematician John Von Neumann described self-replicating programs which could resemble computer viruses as they are known today. However, it was not until the 60s that we find the predecessor of current viruses. In that decade, a group of programmers developed a game called Core Wars, which could reproduce every time it was run, and even saturate the memory of other players’ computers. The creators of this peculiar game also created the first antivirus, an application named Reeper, which could destroy copies created by Core Wars.
However, it was only in 1983 that one of these programmers announced the existence of Core Wars, which was described the following year in a prestigious scientific magazine: this was actually the starting point of what we call computer viruses today.
At that time, a still young MS-DOS was starting to become the preeminent operating system worldwide. This was a system with great prospects, but still many deficiencies as well, which arose from software developments and the lack of many hardware elements known today. Even like this, this new operating system became the target of a virus in 1986: Brain, a malicious code created in Pakistan which infected boot sectors of disks so that their contents could not be accessed. That year also saw the birth of the first Trojan: an application called PC-Write.
Shortly after, virus writers realized that infecting files could be even more harmful to systems. In 1987, a virus called Suriv-02 appeared, which infected COM files and opened the door to the infamous viruses Jerusalem or Viernes 13. However, the worst was still to come: 1988 set the date when the “Morris worm” appeared, infecting 6,000 computers.
From that date up to 1995 the types of malicious codes that are known today started being developed: the first macro viruses appeared, polymorphic viruses … Some of these even triggered epidemics, such as MichaelAngelo. However, there was an event that changed the virus scenario worldwide: the massive use of the Internet and e-mail. Little by little, viruses started adapting to this new situation until the appearance, in 1999, of Melissa, the first malicious code to cause a worldwide epidemic, opening a new era for computer viruses.
part 2
This second installment of ‘The evolution of viruses’ will look at how malicious code used to spread before use of the Internet and e-mail became as commonplace as it is today, and the main objectives of the creators of those earlier viruses.
Until the worldwide web and e-mail were adopted as a standard means of communication the world over, the main mediums through which viruses spread were floppy disks, removable drives, CDs, etc., containing files that were already infected or with the virus code in an executable boot sector.
When a virus entered a system it could go memory resident, infecting other files as they were opened, or it could start to reproduce immediately, also infecting other files on the system. The virus code could also be triggered by a certain event, for example when the system clock reached a certain date or time. In this case, the virus creator would calculate the time necessary for the virus to spread and then set a date –often with some particular significance- for the virus to activate. In this way, the virus would have an incubation period during which it didn’t visibly affect computers, but just spread from one system to another waiting for ‘D-day’ to launch its payload. This incubation period would be vital to the virus successfully infecting as many computers as possible.
One classic example of a destructive virus that lay low before releasing its payload was CIH, also known as Chernobyl. The most damaging version of this malicious code activated on April 26, when it would try to overwrite the flash-BIOS, the memory which includes the code needed to control PC devices. This virus, which first appeared in June 1998, had a serious impact for over two years and still continues to infect computers today.
Because of the way in which they propagate, these viruses spread very slowly, especially in comparison to the speed of today’s malicious code. Towards the end of the Eighties, for example, the Friday 13th (or Jerusalem) virus needed a long time to actually spread and continued to infect computers for some years. In contrast, experts reckon that in January 2003, SQLSlammer took just ten minutes to cause global communication problems across the Internet.
Notoriety versus stealth
For the most part, in the past, the activation of a malicious code triggered a series of on screen messages or images, or caused sounds to be emitted to catch the user’s attention. Such was the case with the Ping Pong virus, which displayed a ball bouncing from one side of the screen to another. This kind of elaborate display was used by the creator of the virus to gain as much notoriety as possible. Nowadays however, the opposite is the norm, with virus authors trying to make malicious code as discreet as possible, infecting users’ systems without them noticing that anything is amiss.
part 3
This third installment of ‘The evolution of viruses’ will look at how the Internet and e-mail changed the propagation techniques used by computer viruses.
Internet and e-mail revolutionized communications. However, as expected, virus creators didn’t take long to realize that along with this new means of communication, an excellent way of spreading their creations far and wide had also dawned. Therefore, they quickly changed their aim from infecting a few computers while drawing as much attention to themselves as possible, to damaging as many computers as possible, as quickly as possible. This change in strategy resulted in the first global virus epidemic, which was caused by the Melissa worm.
With the appearance of Melissa, the economic impact of a virus started to become an issue. As a result, users -above all companies- started to become seriously concerned about the consequences of viruses on the security of their computers. This is how users discovered antivirus programs, which started to be installed widely. However, this also brought about a new challenge for virus writers, how to slip past this protection and how to persuade users to run infected files.
The answer to which of these virus strategies was the most effective came in the form of a new worm: Love Letter, which used a simple but effective ruse that could be considered an early type of social engineering. This strategy involves inserting false messages that trick users into thinking that the message includes anything, except a virus. This worm’s bait was simple; it led users to believe that they had received a love letter.
This technique is still the most widely used. However, it is closely followed by another tactic that has been the center of attention lately: exploiting vulnerabilities in commonly used software. This strategy offers a range of possibilities depending on the security hole exploited. The first malicious code to use this method –and quite successfully- were the BubbleBoy and Kakworm worms. These worms exploited a vulnerability in Internet Explorer by inserting HTML code in the body of the e-mail message, which allowed them to run automatically, without needing the user to do a thing.
Vulnerabilities allow many different types of actions to be carried out. For example, they allow viruses to be dropped on computers directly from the Internet -such as the Blaster worm-. In fact, the effects of the virus depend on the vulnerability that the virus author tries to exploit.
part 4
In the early days of computers, there were relatively few PCs likely to contain “sensitive” information, such as credit card numbers or other financial data, and these were generally limited to large companies that had already incorporated computers into working processes.
In any event, information stored in computers was not likely to be compromised, unless the computer was connected to a network through which the information could be transmitted. Of course, there were exceptions to this and there were cases in which hackers perpetrated frauds using data stored in IT systems. However, this was achieved through typical hacking activities, with no viruses involved.
The advent of the Internet however caused virus creators to change their objectives, and, from that moment on, they tried to infect as many computers as possible in the shortest time. Also, the introduction of Internet services -like e-banking or online shopping- brought in another change. Some virus creators started writing malicious codes not to infect computers, but, to steal confidential data associated to those services. Evidently, to achieve this, they needed viruses that could infect many computers silently.
Their malicious labor was finally rewarded with the appearance, in 1986, of a new breed of malicious code generically called “Trojan Horse”, or simply “Trojan”. This first Trojan was called PC-Write and tried to pass itself off as the shareware version of a text processor. When run, the Trojan displayed a functional text processor on screen. The problem was that, while the user wrote, PC-Write deleted and corrupted files on the computers’ hard disk.
After PC-Write, this type of malicious code evolved very quickly to reach the stage of present-day Trojans. Today, many of the people who design Trojans to steal data cannot be considered virus writers but simply thieves who, instead of using blowtorches or dynamite have turned to viruses to commit their crimes. Ldpinch.W or the Bancos or Tolger families of Trojans are examples of this
part 5
Even though none of them can be left aside, some particular fields of computer science have played a more determinant role than others with regard to the evolution of viruses. One of the most influential fields has been the development of programming languages.
These languages are basically a means of communication with computers in order to tell them what to do. Even though each of them has its own specific development and formulation rules, computers in fact understand only one language called "machine code".
Programming languages act as an interpreter between the programmer and the computer. Obviously, the more directly you can communicate with the computer, the better it will understand you, and more complex actions you can ask it to perform.
According to this, programming languages can be divided into "low and high level" languages, depending on whether their syntax is more understandable for programmers or for computers. A "high level" language uses expressions that are easily understandable for most programmers, but not so much for computers. Visual Basic and C are good examples of this type of language.
On the contrary, expressions used by "low level" languages are closer to machine code, but are very difficult to understand for someone who has not been involved in the programming process. One of the most powerful, most widely used examples of this type of language is "assembler".
In order to explain the use of programming languages through virus history, it is necessary to refer to hardware evolution. It is not difficult to understand that an old 8-bit processor does not have the power of modern 64-bit processors, and this of course, has had an impact on the programming languages used.
In this and the next installments of this series, we will look at the different programming languages used by virus creators through computer history:
- Virus antecessors: Core Wars
As was already explained in the first chapter of this series, a group of programs called Core Wars, developed by engineers at an important telecommunications company, are considered the antecessors of current-day viruses. Computer science was still in the early stages and programming languages had hardly developed. For this reason, authors of these proto-viruses used a language that was almost equal to machine code to program them.
Curiously enough, it seems that one of the Core Wars programmers was Robert Thomas Morris, whose son programmed -years later- the "Morris worm". This malicious code became extraordinarily famous since it managed to infect 6,000 computers, an impressive figure for 1988.
- The new gurus of the 8-bits and the assembler language.
The names Altair, IMSAI and Apple in USA and Sinclair, Atari and Commodore in Europe, bring memories of times gone by, when a new generation of computer enthusiasts "fought" to establish their place in the programming world. To be the best, programmers needed to have profound knowledge of machine code and assembler, as interpreters of high-level languages used too much run time. BASIC, for example, was a relatively easy to learn language which allowed users to develop programs simply and quickly. It had however, many limitations.
This caused the appearance of two groups of programmers: those who used assembler and those who turned to high-level languages (BASIC and PASCAL, mainly).
Computer aficionados of the time enjoyed themselves more by programming useful software than malware. However, 1981 saw the birth of what can be considered the first 8-bit virus. Its name was "Elk Cloner", and was programmed in machine code. This virus could infect Apple II systems and displayed a message when it infected a computer.
part 6
Computer viruses evolve in much the same way as in other areas of IT. Two of the most important factors in understanding how viruses have reached their current level are the development of programming languages and the appearance of increasingly powerful hardware.
In 1981, almost at the same time as Elk Kloner (the first virus for 8-bit processors) made its appearance, a new operating system was growing in popularity. Its full name was Microsoft Disk Operating System, although computer buffs throughout the world would soon refer to it simply as DOS.
DOS viruses
The development of MS DOS systems occurred in parallel to the appearance of new, more powerful hardware. Personal computers were gradually establishing themselves as tools that people could use in their everyday lives, and the result was that the number of PCs users grew substantially. Perhaps inevitably, more users also started creating viruses. Gradually, we witnessed the appearance of the first viruses and Trojans for DOS, written in assembler language and demonstrating a degree of skill on the part of their authors.
Far less programmers know assembler language than are familiar with high-level languages that are far easier to learn. Malicious code written in Fortran, Basic, Cobol, C or Pascal soon began to appear. The last two languages, which are well established and very powerful, are the most widely used, particularly in their TurboC and Turbo Pascal versions. This ultimately led to the appearance of “virus families”: that is, viruses that are followed by a vast number of related viruses which are slightly modified forms of the original code.
Other users took the less ‘artistic’ approach of creating destructive viruses that did not require any great knowledge of programming. As a result, batch processing file viruses or BAT viruses began to appear.
Win16 viruses
The development of 16-bit processors led to a new era in computing. The first consequence was the birth of Windows, which, at the time, was just an application to make it easier to handle DOS using a graphic interface.
The structure of Windows 3.xx files is rather difficult to understand, and the assembler language code is very complicated, as a result of which few programmers initially attempted to develop viruses for this platform. But this problem was soon solved thanks to the development of programming tools for high-level languages, above all Visual Basic. This application is so effective that many virus creators adopted it as their ‘daily working tool’. This meant that writing a virus had become a very straightforward task, and viruses soon appeared in their hundreds. This development was accompanied by the appearance of the first Trojans able to steal passwords. As a result, more than 500 variants of the AOL Trojan family -designed to steal personal information from infected computers- were identified.
part 7
This seventh edition on the history of computer viruses will look at how the development of Windows and Visual Basic has influenced the evolution of viruses, as with the development of these, worldwide epidemics also evolved such as the first one caused by Melissa in 1999.
While Windows changed from being an application designed to make DOS easier to manage to a 32-bit platform and operating system in its own right, virus creators went back to using assembler as the main language for programming viruses.
Versions 5 and 6 of Visual Basic (VB) were developed, making it the preferred tool, along with Borland Delphi (the Pascal development for the Windows environment), for Trojan and worm writers. Then, Visual C, a powerful environment developed in C for Windows, was adopted for creating viruses, Trojans and worms. This last type of malware gained unusual strength, taking over almost all other types of viruses. Even though the characteristics of worms have changed over time, they all have the same objective: to spread to as many computers as possible, as quickly as possible.
With time, Visual Basic became extremely popular and Microsoft implemented part of the functionality of this language as an interpreter capable of running script files with a similar syntax.
At the same time as the Win32 platform was implemented, the first script viruses also appeared: malware inside a simple text file. These demonstrated that not only executable files (.EXE and .COM files) could carry viruses. As already seen with BAT viruses, there are also other means of propagation, proving the saying "anything that can be executed directly or through a interpreter can contain malware." To be specific, the first viruses that infected the macros included in Microsoft Office emerged. As a result, Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint become ways of spreading ‘lethal weapons’, which destroyed information when the user simply opened a document.
Melissa and self-executing worms
The powerful script interpreters in Microsoft Office allowed virus authors to arm their creations with the characteristics of worms. A clear example is Melissa, a Word macro virus with the characteristics of a worm that infects Word 97 and 2000 documents. This worm automatically sends itself out as an attachment to an e-mail message to the first 50 contacts in the Outlook address book on the affected computer. This technique, which has unfortunately become very popular nowadays, was first used in this virus which, in 1999, caused one of the largest epidemics in computer history in just a few days. In fact, companies like Microsoft, Intel or Lucent Technologies had to block their connections to the Internet due to the actions of Melissa.
The technique started by Melissa was developed in 1999 by viruses like VBS/Freelink, which unlike its predecessor sent itself out to all the contacts in the address book on the infected PC. This started a new wave of worms capable of sending themselves out to all the contacts in the Outlook address book on the infected computer. Of these, the worm that most stands out from the rest is VBS/LoveLetter, more commonly known as ‘I love You’, which emerged in May 2000 and caused an epidemic that caused damage estimated at 10,000 million euros. In order to get the user’s attention and help it to spread, this worm sent itself out in an e-mail message with the subject ‘ILOVEYOU’ and an attached file called ‘LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.VBS’. When the user opened this attachment, the computer was infected.
As well as Melissa, in 1999 another type of virus emerged that also marked a milestone in virus history. In November of that year, VBS/BubbleBoy appeared, a new type of Internet worm written in VB Script. VBS/BubbleBoy was automatically run without the user needing to click on an attached file, as it exploited a vulnerability in Internet Explorer 5 to automatically run when the message was opened or viewed. This worm was followed in 2000 by JS/Kak.Worm, which spread by hiding behind Java Script in the auto-signature in Microsoft Outlook Express, allowing it to infect computers without the user needing to run an attached file. These were the first samples of a series of worms, which were joined later on by worms capable of attacking computers when the user is browsing the Internet.
Secercah Cahaya Untuk Kembali Kepada-Nya
Ada seorang gadis remaja yang tumbuh dewasa. Sebut saja namanya Rina. Ia sangat cantik dan menjadi pujaan banyak pria di desa-nya. Setiap pria berlomba memberikan perhatian terbaik, untuk mendapatkan perhatian hatinya. Mulai anak kepala desa, anak paling kaya di desa itu, saudagar kaya semua menginginkannya. Bagaimana tidak, gadis itu memiliki tubuh yang langsing, kulit yang putih bersih, rambut yang sehat, sebuah ilustrasi kecantikan paripurna.
Lalu suatu hari, ada seorang pemuda bernama Dadang, penduduk asli kampung itu yang pulang kampung karena sudah menyelesaikan sarjana dari sebuah universitas ternama di kotanya. Ingin memiliki cita-cita yang mulia, yaitu ingin mengabdikan disiplin ilmu yang ia punya untuk memajukan desanya. Kang Dadang ini seorang pemuda yang tampan dan baik hati. Agamanya pun baik. Dan banyak gadis desa yang berlomba ingin mendapatkannya. Namun kang Dadang hanya menaruh hati pada Rina, tapinya nyalinya untuk mengutarakan hati selalu tertahan saat ia menyadari bahwa dirinya hanyalah seorang anak petani desa yang jauh dari glamor kekayaan. Ia menjustifikasi diri bahwa Rina tak mungkin mau dengan seorang sarjana desa yang tak memiliki kekayaan apa-apa. Ternyata takdir memiliki keberpihakan sama dia. Waktu orang tua Rina mendengar bahwa kang Dadang punya hati sama anaknya Rina, mereka langsung menyambut dengan baik. Karena dalam pemikiran mereka, soal kekayaan bisa dicari bersama seiring waktu, tapi soal akhlaq dan agama itu yang jauh lebih penting. Singkat cerita akhirnya mereka menikah, kebahagiaan terpantul dari wajah mereka berdua. Meski tak dipungkiri banyak wajah masam dan cemberut karena kalah di arena memperebutkan hati Rina.
Waktu terus berjalan. hari berganti hari. Begitupun dengan pergantian bulan dan tahun. Orang tua Rina meninggal pada suatu kecelakaan. Rina merasa kehilangan pegangan, sementara keadaan ekonomi kang Dadang belum bisa memenuhi semua keinginan Rina, yang selama ini terpenuhi dari orang tuanya. Meski mereka sudah memiliki 2 anak, Rina masih merasa tidak puas.Lalu ia meminta kang Dadang agar mengijinkan ia bekerja untuk mencari tambahan uang penghasilan. Hati kang Dadang tidak mengijinkan. Tapi niat keras Rina tak bisa dicegah. akhirnya tanpa izin suami, Rina tetap melamar kesana sini. Tentu saja ia banyak diterima disana-sini, karena walau bagaimanapun raut kecantikannya tak pernah sirna.
Kesibukan pekerjaan dan dorongan jiwanya untuk maju semakin berkembang, kadang kalo jam kantor menyita perhatiannya sampai larut malam. Secara bertahap perhatian sama suami dan anak semakin berkurang. Bukan tidak sayang, tapi waktu yang sangat terbatas. Ambisinya untuk menjadi kaya, telah ia pertukarkan dengan kasih sayang yang masih dibutuhkan buah hatinya.
Waktu terus berjalan, relasi bisnis semakin banyak. sampai suatu waktu ia berkenalan dengan salah satu relasi bisnisnya, dan memiliki ketertarikan. Singkat cerita affair-pun terjadi. Mereka berencana ingin menikah. Tapi mereka terhalang oleh status Rina yang masih menjadi istri Kang Dadang. Lalu suatu hari Rina memanggil suaminya, dan mengatakan niatnya untuk bercerai. Dia mengatakan bahwa kang Dadang sebagai suami tidak bisa membahagiakannya dan tidak bisa memenuhi kewajiban ekonomi untuk membeli ini dan itu. kang Dadang tentu kaget bukan kepalang, hatinya hancur, air matanya tak bisa dibendung. Begitupun kedua anaknya yang mendengar perkataan itu, sangat sedih, terpukul dan psikologisnya rusak. Rina beranggapan bahwa tujuan berumah tangga adalah kebahagiaan, dan kewajiban suami adalah memenuhi kewajiban ekonominya. Nah kalau dia merasa tidak bahagia, dan kewajiban ekonomi itu masih jauh dari harapannya, maka cita-cita luhur dari ikrar suci sudah gugur dengan sendirinya. Kang Dadang dengan sabar, memberi pengertian pada Rina, agar Rina selalu bersabar,dan ingin terus mempertahankan rumah tangga. Tapi ditolek mentah-mentah oleh Rina. Dan Rina sudah membuat keputusan final yang tidak bisa diganggu gugat oleh pihak manapun. Hanya ada satu harga mati, yaitu satu kata "CERAI" .
Akhirnya Rina bercerai. Tapi Rina juga tidak jadi menikah dengan pria yang sebelumnya sudah berjanji menikahinya. Si Pria berfikir, kalau saat ini Rina mau mengkhianati pernikahan sucinya demi dirinya, maka suatu waktupun tidak ada jaminan kalau Rina takkan mengkhianati dirinya untuk orang lain. Dan Rina pun menikah dengan pria yang lain lagi...?? Sementara kang Dadang yang berselimut mendung dengan segudang kesedihan, harus tetap hidup untuk merawat, membesarkan, mengasuh dan mendidik 2 anaknya. Ia adalah simbol single parent dari seorang pria yang bertanggungjawab. Sementara Rina yang sudah hidup mewah di perkotaan, hidup dengan seorang konglomerat. Kisah duka di desa ia tinggalkan. Bahkan anak -anaknya pun sudah ia lupakan. Kang Dadang sehari-hari tetap tekun bekerja, karena ia menyadari bahwa dipundaknya ada tanggung-jawab untuk menghidupi sang buah hati. namun ia pun manusia biasa, hati kecilnya tetap tak bisa disembunyikan bahwa ia hancur dengan ditinggalkan oleh istrinya hanya karena kemapanan ekonomi yang tak kunjung berhasil. Lama kelamaan iapun agak menjauh dari agama. Ajaran agama yang ia terima waktu kecil, hanyalah sekelumit kenangan yang pernah ia lakukan. Karena fikirannya saat ini,ia ingin mengejar seluruh kemapanan,demi masa depannya agar tak lagi ditinggalkan seorang wanita hanya karena soal kemapanan.
Ada yang dilupakan Kang Dadang, bahwa sesungguhnya ia memiliki kekayaanlain yang tak kalah luar biasanya, yaitu kedua anaknya yang tumbuh di sekolah dasar ternyata memiliki prestasi yang hebat. Rangkink satu, adalah sebuah rangking yang tak pernah bergeser. Nilai matematikanya selalu 10. Pernah suatu kali ia mendapatkan nilai 9, dan iapun menangis sedih luar biasa. Tidak seperti anak sekarang yang nilai enam saja masih ketawa-ketiwi cekikikan dan minta ini dan itu. Bukan hanya prestasi akademik, tapi kebiasaan menolong katanya pada setiap guru, disiplin yang tinggi, rajin ibadah sering dijadikan contoh oleh para guru bahwa semua siswa harus mencontoh anak-anaknya kang Dadang.
Sampai suatu ketika, ketika bubaran sekolah kelompok geng motor yang berkembang di kotanya menabrak mereka. 5 anak tewas di tempat, termasuk 2 anak kang dadang tersebut. Darah berceceran di aspal, mukanya rusak, tulang dadanya remuk. Menerima kenyataan ini, hati dan jiwa kang dadang semakin hancur. Dia merasa keberuntungan tak berpihak padanya. Tuhan tak sayang pada dirinya. Ujian semakin berat,dan ia tak mampu menahan beban sendirian.!!!?
Sampai suatu waktu kang Dadang bertemu seseorang, dan ia menceritakan kisah pilunya. Kang dadang bicara secara jujur, apakah ini ujian atau hukuman karena memang saat ini ia semakin jauh dari Agama. Kata orang itu dan memberikan sumbang-saran pemikiran dan nasihat, agar kang Dadang tetap bersabar dan berusaha 'ntuk kembali ke jalan Allah swt. Dan alhamdulillah, rupanya hidayah Allah turun pada kang Dadang, ia bersujud dan menangis, rupanya ia sangat teramat sangat menyadari bahwa ambisi mengejar dunia tidak harus jauh dari sujud pada-Nya.
Syukur, disaat hatinya hancur berkeping-keping, berserakan disana-sini, ia menemukan secercah cahaya untuk kembali kepada-Nya
Lalu suatu hari, ada seorang pemuda bernama Dadang, penduduk asli kampung itu yang pulang kampung karena sudah menyelesaikan sarjana dari sebuah universitas ternama di kotanya. Ingin memiliki cita-cita yang mulia, yaitu ingin mengabdikan disiplin ilmu yang ia punya untuk memajukan desanya. Kang Dadang ini seorang pemuda yang tampan dan baik hati. Agamanya pun baik. Dan banyak gadis desa yang berlomba ingin mendapatkannya. Namun kang Dadang hanya menaruh hati pada Rina, tapinya nyalinya untuk mengutarakan hati selalu tertahan saat ia menyadari bahwa dirinya hanyalah seorang anak petani desa yang jauh dari glamor kekayaan. Ia menjustifikasi diri bahwa Rina tak mungkin mau dengan seorang sarjana desa yang tak memiliki kekayaan apa-apa. Ternyata takdir memiliki keberpihakan sama dia. Waktu orang tua Rina mendengar bahwa kang Dadang punya hati sama anaknya Rina, mereka langsung menyambut dengan baik. Karena dalam pemikiran mereka, soal kekayaan bisa dicari bersama seiring waktu, tapi soal akhlaq dan agama itu yang jauh lebih penting. Singkat cerita akhirnya mereka menikah, kebahagiaan terpantul dari wajah mereka berdua. Meski tak dipungkiri banyak wajah masam dan cemberut karena kalah di arena memperebutkan hati Rina.
Waktu terus berjalan. hari berganti hari. Begitupun dengan pergantian bulan dan tahun. Orang tua Rina meninggal pada suatu kecelakaan. Rina merasa kehilangan pegangan, sementara keadaan ekonomi kang Dadang belum bisa memenuhi semua keinginan Rina, yang selama ini terpenuhi dari orang tuanya. Meski mereka sudah memiliki 2 anak, Rina masih merasa tidak puas.Lalu ia meminta kang Dadang agar mengijinkan ia bekerja untuk mencari tambahan uang penghasilan. Hati kang Dadang tidak mengijinkan. Tapi niat keras Rina tak bisa dicegah. akhirnya tanpa izin suami, Rina tetap melamar kesana sini. Tentu saja ia banyak diterima disana-sini, karena walau bagaimanapun raut kecantikannya tak pernah sirna.
Kesibukan pekerjaan dan dorongan jiwanya untuk maju semakin berkembang, kadang kalo jam kantor menyita perhatiannya sampai larut malam. Secara bertahap perhatian sama suami dan anak semakin berkurang. Bukan tidak sayang, tapi waktu yang sangat terbatas. Ambisinya untuk menjadi kaya, telah ia pertukarkan dengan kasih sayang yang masih dibutuhkan buah hatinya.
Waktu terus berjalan, relasi bisnis semakin banyak. sampai suatu waktu ia berkenalan dengan salah satu relasi bisnisnya, dan memiliki ketertarikan. Singkat cerita affair-pun terjadi. Mereka berencana ingin menikah. Tapi mereka terhalang oleh status Rina yang masih menjadi istri Kang Dadang. Lalu suatu hari Rina memanggil suaminya, dan mengatakan niatnya untuk bercerai. Dia mengatakan bahwa kang Dadang sebagai suami tidak bisa membahagiakannya dan tidak bisa memenuhi kewajiban ekonomi untuk membeli ini dan itu. kang Dadang tentu kaget bukan kepalang, hatinya hancur, air matanya tak bisa dibendung. Begitupun kedua anaknya yang mendengar perkataan itu, sangat sedih, terpukul dan psikologisnya rusak. Rina beranggapan bahwa tujuan berumah tangga adalah kebahagiaan, dan kewajiban suami adalah memenuhi kewajiban ekonominya. Nah kalau dia merasa tidak bahagia, dan kewajiban ekonomi itu masih jauh dari harapannya, maka cita-cita luhur dari ikrar suci sudah gugur dengan sendirinya. Kang Dadang dengan sabar, memberi pengertian pada Rina, agar Rina selalu bersabar,dan ingin terus mempertahankan rumah tangga. Tapi ditolek mentah-mentah oleh Rina. Dan Rina sudah membuat keputusan final yang tidak bisa diganggu gugat oleh pihak manapun. Hanya ada satu harga mati, yaitu satu kata "CERAI" .
Akhirnya Rina bercerai. Tapi Rina juga tidak jadi menikah dengan pria yang sebelumnya sudah berjanji menikahinya. Si Pria berfikir, kalau saat ini Rina mau mengkhianati pernikahan sucinya demi dirinya, maka suatu waktupun tidak ada jaminan kalau Rina takkan mengkhianati dirinya untuk orang lain. Dan Rina pun menikah dengan pria yang lain lagi...?? Sementara kang Dadang yang berselimut mendung dengan segudang kesedihan, harus tetap hidup untuk merawat, membesarkan, mengasuh dan mendidik 2 anaknya. Ia adalah simbol single parent dari seorang pria yang bertanggungjawab. Sementara Rina yang sudah hidup mewah di perkotaan, hidup dengan seorang konglomerat. Kisah duka di desa ia tinggalkan. Bahkan anak -anaknya pun sudah ia lupakan. Kang Dadang sehari-hari tetap tekun bekerja, karena ia menyadari bahwa dipundaknya ada tanggung-jawab untuk menghidupi sang buah hati. namun ia pun manusia biasa, hati kecilnya tetap tak bisa disembunyikan bahwa ia hancur dengan ditinggalkan oleh istrinya hanya karena kemapanan ekonomi yang tak kunjung berhasil. Lama kelamaan iapun agak menjauh dari agama. Ajaran agama yang ia terima waktu kecil, hanyalah sekelumit kenangan yang pernah ia lakukan. Karena fikirannya saat ini,ia ingin mengejar seluruh kemapanan,demi masa depannya agar tak lagi ditinggalkan seorang wanita hanya karena soal kemapanan.
Ada yang dilupakan Kang Dadang, bahwa sesungguhnya ia memiliki kekayaanlain yang tak kalah luar biasanya, yaitu kedua anaknya yang tumbuh di sekolah dasar ternyata memiliki prestasi yang hebat. Rangkink satu, adalah sebuah rangking yang tak pernah bergeser. Nilai matematikanya selalu 10. Pernah suatu kali ia mendapatkan nilai 9, dan iapun menangis sedih luar biasa. Tidak seperti anak sekarang yang nilai enam saja masih ketawa-ketiwi cekikikan dan minta ini dan itu. Bukan hanya prestasi akademik, tapi kebiasaan menolong katanya pada setiap guru, disiplin yang tinggi, rajin ibadah sering dijadikan contoh oleh para guru bahwa semua siswa harus mencontoh anak-anaknya kang Dadang.
Sampai suatu ketika, ketika bubaran sekolah kelompok geng motor yang berkembang di kotanya menabrak mereka. 5 anak tewas di tempat, termasuk 2 anak kang dadang tersebut. Darah berceceran di aspal, mukanya rusak, tulang dadanya remuk. Menerima kenyataan ini, hati dan jiwa kang dadang semakin hancur. Dia merasa keberuntungan tak berpihak padanya. Tuhan tak sayang pada dirinya. Ujian semakin berat,dan ia tak mampu menahan beban sendirian.!!!?
Sampai suatu waktu kang Dadang bertemu seseorang, dan ia menceritakan kisah pilunya. Kang dadang bicara secara jujur, apakah ini ujian atau hukuman karena memang saat ini ia semakin jauh dari Agama. Kata orang itu dan memberikan sumbang-saran pemikiran dan nasihat, agar kang Dadang tetap bersabar dan berusaha 'ntuk kembali ke jalan Allah swt. Dan alhamdulillah, rupanya hidayah Allah turun pada kang Dadang, ia bersujud dan menangis, rupanya ia sangat teramat sangat menyadari bahwa ambisi mengejar dunia tidak harus jauh dari sujud pada-Nya.
Syukur, disaat hatinya hancur berkeping-keping, berserakan disana-sini, ia menemukan secercah cahaya untuk kembali kepada-Nya
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Video dan Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - One Less Lonely Girl

Video Justin Bieber - One Less Lonely Girl
Video ini mengisahkan tentang seorang Lonely Girl yang mencari kembali cintanya dan menemukan Justin Beiber..:D. Video ini sangat menarik dan penuh warna. So Check it Out.
Screenshoot Video Klip Justin Bieber - One Less Lonely Girl




Jangan sampai lupa untuk sekedar melihat Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - One Less Lonely Girl
Alright let's go
There's gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
There's gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl (ha)
How many I told you’s and start overs
And shoulders have you cried on before
How many promises be honest girl
How many tears you let hit the floor
How many bags you packed
Just to take ‘em back tell me that
How many either or's but no more
If you let me inside of your world
There'll be the one less lonely girl
Ohh Oh Oh
Saw so many pretty faces before I saw you you
Now all I see is you
I'm coming for you (I'm coming for you)
Noo No
Don't need these other pretty faces like I need you
And when you’re mine in the world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
There's gonna be one less lonely girl (I'm coming for you)
I'm gonna put you first (I'm coming for you)
I'll show you what you're worth (That's what I'm gonna do)
If you let me inside your world
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl
Christmas wasn’t merry, 14th of February not one of them spent with you
How many dinner dates set dinner plates and
He didn’t even touch his food
How many torn photographs saw you taping back
Tell me that couldn’t see an open door
But no more
If you let me inside of your world
There'll be one less lonely girl
Ohh Oh Oh
Saw so many pretty faces
Before I saw you you
Now all I see is you
I'm coming for you, I'm coming for you
Noo No
Don't need these other pretty faces like I need you
And when you’re mine in this world
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(There's gonna be) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) I'm gonna put you first
(I'm coming for you) I'll show you what you’re worth
(Thats what I'm gunna do)If you let me inside of your world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl
I can fix up your broken heart
I can give you a brand new start
I can make you believe (yeah)
I just wanna set one girl free to fall,
Free to fall (she's free to fall)
Fall in love
With me
Her hearts locked and nowhere to get the key
I’ll take her and leave the world with one less lonely girl
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
Theres gunna be one less lonely girl (I'm coming for you)
I'm gunna put you first (I'm coming for you)
I'll show you what your worth (That's what I gotta do)
If you let me inside your world
There's gunna be one less lonely girl
Justin Beiber,
Justin Bieber - Never Say Never ft. Jaden Smith
Video Justin Bieber - Never Say Never ft. Jaden Smith
Video ini adalah soundtrack film The Karate Kid, mengisahkan perjuangan menyesuaikan diri seorang bocah amerika yang harus mengikuti ibunya yang bertugas di China. Penuh haru, namun tak mengesampingkan seni bela diri dan kejenakaan.
Screenshoot Video Klip Justin Bieber - Never Say Never ft. Jaden Smith




Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Never Say Never ft. Jaden Smith
See I never thought that I could walk through fire.
I never thought that I could take the burn.
I never had the strength to take it higher,
Until I reached the point of no return.
And there's just no turning back,
When your hearts under attack,
Gonna give everything I have,
It's my destiny.
I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up up up,
And never say never.
I never thought I could feel this power.
I never thought that I could feel this free.
I'm strong enough to climb the highest tower.
And I'm fast enough to run across the sea.
And there's just no turning back,
When your hearts under attack,
Gonna give everything I have,
Cause this is my destiny.
I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up, up, up,
And never say never.
Here we go!
Guess who?
JSmith and Jb!
I gotcha lil bro.
I can handle him.
Hold up, aight?
I can handle him.
Now he's bigger than me,
Taller than me.
And he's older than me,
And stronger than me.
And his arms a little bit longer than me.
But he ain't on a JB song with me!
I be trying a chill
They be trying to side with the thrill.
No pun intended, was raised by the power of Will.
Like Luke with the force, when push comes to shove.
Like Cobe with the 4th, ice water with blood.
I gotta be the best, and yes
We're the flyest.
Like David and Goliath,
I conquered the giant.
So now I got the world in my hand,
I was born from two stars
So the moon's where I land.
I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up, up, up,
And never say never.
I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up, up, up,
And never say never.
Tentang Justin Beiber
Justin Drew Bieber adalah seorang penyanyi pop muda asal Kanada.
Lahir di Strartford, Ontario 9 Maret 1994 dan dibesarkan seorang diri oleh ibunya, Pattie Malette, Justin memiliki bakat dan minat musik yang cukup tinggi. Dia menguasai terompet, piano, gitar, dan drum yang dipelajarinya sendiri sejak kecil. Pada usia 12 tahun, Justin mengikuti kontes menyanyi di kotanya, Stratford, dan memenangkan juara kedua. Sejak itu dia mulai mendokumentasikan penampilannya dan mengunggahnya di Youtube, untuk teman-teman yang tak sempat melihatnya tampil. Pada beberapa videonya, Justin menyanyikan lagu-lagu beberapa penyanyi ternama seperti Usher, Justin Timberlake, Neyo, Chris Brown, dan Stevie Wonder dengan versinya sendiri.
Beruntung, Scooter Braun, eksekutif marketing So So Def yang tanpa sengaja menyaksikan penampilannya di Youtube tertarik pada bakat musikalitasnya.
Tentang Jaden Smith
Punya ayah yang menekuni jalur yang sama dengan anak memang punya keuntungan tersendiri. Paling tidak, sang anak bisa dengan mudah minta tips dan saran dari sang ayah. Jaden Smith, misalnya. Ternyata ia mendapat tips bagaimana berciuman yang baik dalam film dari Will Smith, sang ayah.

"Adegan itu menarik tapi juga sekaligus aneh. Wajah kami sampai sedekat itu dan kami harus bertahan agar adegan itu terlihat bagus," kisah Jaden saat ditanya soal adegan ciuman pertamanya dalam film. Ini memang bukan ciuman pertama Jaden namun tentu saja situasinya jadi berbeda karena ia harus berciuman sementara banyak orang yang memandangi mereka.
Sebagai putra dari pasangan Will Smith dan Jada Pinkett yang sama-sama menekuni dunia seni peran, Jaden jelas mewakili bakat kedua orang tuanya. Sampai saat ini, aktor berusia 11 tahun ini sudah sempat membintangi tiga judul film termasuk THE KARATE KID yang baru saja diedarkan.
Source :
Video ini adalah soundtrack film The Karate Kid, mengisahkan perjuangan menyesuaikan diri seorang bocah amerika yang harus mengikuti ibunya yang bertugas di China. Penuh haru, namun tak mengesampingkan seni bela diri dan kejenakaan.
Screenshoot Video Klip Justin Bieber - Never Say Never ft. Jaden Smith




Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Never Say Never ft. Jaden Smith
See I never thought that I could walk through fire.
I never thought that I could take the burn.
I never had the strength to take it higher,
Until I reached the point of no return.
And there's just no turning back,
When your hearts under attack,
Gonna give everything I have,
It's my destiny.
I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up up up,
And never say never.
I never thought I could feel this power.
I never thought that I could feel this free.
I'm strong enough to climb the highest tower.
And I'm fast enough to run across the sea.
And there's just no turning back,
When your hearts under attack,
Gonna give everything I have,
Cause this is my destiny.
I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up, up, up,
And never say never.
Here we go!
Guess who?
JSmith and Jb!
I gotcha lil bro.
I can handle him.
Hold up, aight?
I can handle him.
Now he's bigger than me,
Taller than me.
And he's older than me,
And stronger than me.
And his arms a little bit longer than me.
But he ain't on a JB song with me!
I be trying a chill
They be trying to side with the thrill.
No pun intended, was raised by the power of Will.
Like Luke with the force, when push comes to shove.
Like Cobe with the 4th, ice water with blood.
I gotta be the best, and yes
We're the flyest.
Like David and Goliath,
I conquered the giant.
So now I got the world in my hand,
I was born from two stars
So the moon's where I land.
I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up, up, up,
And never say never.
I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up, up, up,
And never say never.
Tentang Justin Beiber
Justin Drew Bieber adalah seorang penyanyi pop muda asal Kanada.
Lahir di Strartford, Ontario 9 Maret 1994 dan dibesarkan seorang diri oleh ibunya, Pattie Malette, Justin memiliki bakat dan minat musik yang cukup tinggi. Dia menguasai terompet, piano, gitar, dan drum yang dipelajarinya sendiri sejak kecil. Pada usia 12 tahun, Justin mengikuti kontes menyanyi di kotanya, Stratford, dan memenangkan juara kedua. Sejak itu dia mulai mendokumentasikan penampilannya dan mengunggahnya di Youtube, untuk teman-teman yang tak sempat melihatnya tampil. Pada beberapa videonya, Justin menyanyikan lagu-lagu beberapa penyanyi ternama seperti Usher, Justin Timberlake, Neyo, Chris Brown, dan Stevie Wonder dengan versinya sendiri.
Beruntung, Scooter Braun, eksekutif marketing So So Def yang tanpa sengaja menyaksikan penampilannya di Youtube tertarik pada bakat musikalitasnya.
Tentang Jaden Smith
Punya ayah yang menekuni jalur yang sama dengan anak memang punya keuntungan tersendiri. Paling tidak, sang anak bisa dengan mudah minta tips dan saran dari sang ayah. Jaden Smith, misalnya. Ternyata ia mendapat tips bagaimana berciuman yang baik dalam film dari Will Smith, sang ayah.

"Adegan itu menarik tapi juga sekaligus aneh. Wajah kami sampai sedekat itu dan kami harus bertahan agar adegan itu terlihat bagus," kisah Jaden saat ditanya soal adegan ciuman pertamanya dalam film. Ini memang bukan ciuman pertama Jaden namun tentu saja situasinya jadi berbeda karena ia harus berciuman sementara banyak orang yang memandangi mereka.
Sebagai putra dari pasangan Will Smith dan Jada Pinkett yang sama-sama menekuni dunia seni peran, Jaden jelas mewakili bakat kedua orang tuanya. Sampai saat ini, aktor berusia 11 tahun ini sudah sempat membintangi tiga judul film termasuk THE KARATE KID yang baru saja diedarkan.
Source :
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
TELKOM Peroleh Hak Eksklusif Mobile Content Liga Inggris
Jakarta, 19 Agustus 2010 - PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (TELKOM) melalui anak perusahaannya, Mojopia, dengan bangga mengumumkan telah menjadi official mobile partner pertandingan Liga Inggris (Barclays Premier League/BPL) selama 3 musim ke depan, dimulai pada musim 2010 - 2012.
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. (TELKOM) merupakan perusahaan penyelenggara bisnis T.I.M.E. (Telecommunication, Information, Media and Edutainment) milik bangsa Indonesia. Dalam mewujudkan strateginya untuk memperluas segi bisnisnya, diluncurkanlah Mojopia sebagai perusahaan yang berfokus pada penyediaan portal e-commerce dan konten mobile. Saat ini TELKOM memiliki 8,4 juta telepon kabel, 86 juta pelanggan telepon seluler (Telkomsel), 15 juta pelanggan Flexi, dan 1,4 juta pengguna internet Speedy.
Barclays Premier League (BPL) adalah liga sepak bola yang paling bergengsi di benua Eropa. Ini merupakan liga yang terdiri dari 20 klub sepakbola terbaik di Inggris, di mana masing-masing dari mereka bertindak sebagai pemegang saham. Selama musim ke depan, akan dihadirkan sebanyak 380 pertandingan. Ini akan berlangsung mulai dari bulan Agustus sampai dengan bulan Mei tahun depan.
Dengan hak eksklusif yang telah dimiliki tersebut, secara bisnis melalui beberapa anak perusahaannya, TELKOM dapat memberikan layanan mobile content berupa informasi, klip-klip pertandingan, ringkasan dan highlight pertandingan. Semuanya itu diberikan untuk para penggemar sepak bola di Indonesia, melalui Telkomsel, Flexi dan anak perusahaan lainnya.
Chief Information Officer TELKOM Indra Utoyo memaparkan, "Hak eksklusif Liga Inggris yang diperoleh TELKOM merupakan implementasi dari komitmen TELKOM sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bisnis TIME (Telecommunication, Information, Media, Edutainment).” Tujuan TELKOM bekerja sama dengan Liga Inggris antara lain karena mobile content merupakan bagian dari strategi bisnis TELKOM. Konten olah raga adalah kategori yang paling diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia, apalagi minat masyarakat Indonesia terhadap Liga Inggris sangat tinggi. Dengan adanya kerjasama ini maka mobile content TELKOM akan semakin beranekaragam.
Mobile content tersebut akan dengan mudah didapatkan oleh pelanggan Telkomsel dan Flexi, yang pastinya akan memiliki beragam konten, mulai dari SMS info, download true tone, image wallpaper, dan game.
Hak eksklusif mobile content Liga Inggris juga akan menambah portofolio pada semua anak perusahaan TELKOM Group. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari kerjasama yang terintegrasi melalui Speedy, yaitu terus memberikan informasi terbaru mengenai BPL melalui media web. Tak hanya itu, melalui YES TV penonton pun bisa berinteraksi dengan mengikuti kuis interaktif serta program hiburan yang mendukung tayangan Liga Inggris.
Hak eksklusif mobile content Liga Inggris di Indonesia adalah satu langkah besar untuk memperluas popularitas Liga Inggris di Indonesia. "Sebanyak 51 juta penonton di Indonesia menyaksikan pertandingan sepakbola melalui TV. Ini sama dengan penduduk seluruh Inggris," ujar Andi S. Boediman, Chief Innovation Officer Mojopia. Mojopia menurutnya akan menyediakan informasi terbaru sepanjang musim untuk setiap pertandingan Barclays Premier League.
Richard Scudamore, Chief Executive dari Premiere League menambahkan, "Liga Inggris adalah liga sepak bola yang paling banyak ditonton di dunia dan berada dalam posisi pertama di peringkat UEFA dari Liga Eropa."
Krishnawan Pribadi, VP Digital Music & Content Management Telkomsel menuturkan, "Hak eksklusif Liga Inggris akan menambah portofolio pada Telkomsel untuk konten multimedia. Hal ini akan semakin mengukuhkan Telkomsel bukan hanya sebagai pemimpin pasar pada bisnis telekomunikasi namun juga mengukuhkan Telkomsel perusahaan mobile terkemuka di Indonesia."
Dengan dipegangnya hak eksklusif pada mobile content Liga Inggris oleh TELKOM, diharapkan para penikmat sepak bola akan mendapatkan akses yang sangat mudah, tak hanya menikmati secara visual, namun juga secara mobile.
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. (TELKOM) merupakan perusahaan penyelenggara bisnis T.I.M.E. (Telecommunication, Information, Media and Edutainment) milik bangsa Indonesia. Dalam mewujudkan strateginya untuk memperluas segi bisnisnya, diluncurkanlah Mojopia sebagai perusahaan yang berfokus pada penyediaan portal e-commerce dan konten mobile. Saat ini TELKOM memiliki 8,4 juta telepon kabel, 86 juta pelanggan telepon seluler (Telkomsel), 15 juta pelanggan Flexi, dan 1,4 juta pengguna internet Speedy.
Barclays Premier League (BPL) adalah liga sepak bola yang paling bergengsi di benua Eropa. Ini merupakan liga yang terdiri dari 20 klub sepakbola terbaik di Inggris, di mana masing-masing dari mereka bertindak sebagai pemegang saham. Selama musim ke depan, akan dihadirkan sebanyak 380 pertandingan. Ini akan berlangsung mulai dari bulan Agustus sampai dengan bulan Mei tahun depan.
Dengan hak eksklusif yang telah dimiliki tersebut, secara bisnis melalui beberapa anak perusahaannya, TELKOM dapat memberikan layanan mobile content berupa informasi, klip-klip pertandingan, ringkasan dan highlight pertandingan. Semuanya itu diberikan untuk para penggemar sepak bola di Indonesia, melalui Telkomsel, Flexi dan anak perusahaan lainnya.
Chief Information Officer TELKOM Indra Utoyo memaparkan, "Hak eksklusif Liga Inggris yang diperoleh TELKOM merupakan implementasi dari komitmen TELKOM sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bisnis TIME (Telecommunication, Information, Media, Edutainment).” Tujuan TELKOM bekerja sama dengan Liga Inggris antara lain karena mobile content merupakan bagian dari strategi bisnis TELKOM. Konten olah raga adalah kategori yang paling diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia, apalagi minat masyarakat Indonesia terhadap Liga Inggris sangat tinggi. Dengan adanya kerjasama ini maka mobile content TELKOM akan semakin beranekaragam.
Mobile content tersebut akan dengan mudah didapatkan oleh pelanggan Telkomsel dan Flexi, yang pastinya akan memiliki beragam konten, mulai dari SMS info, download true tone, image wallpaper, dan game.
Hak eksklusif mobile content Liga Inggris juga akan menambah portofolio pada semua anak perusahaan TELKOM Group. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari kerjasama yang terintegrasi melalui Speedy, yaitu terus memberikan informasi terbaru mengenai BPL melalui media web. Tak hanya itu, melalui YES TV penonton pun bisa berinteraksi dengan mengikuti kuis interaktif serta program hiburan yang mendukung tayangan Liga Inggris.
Hak eksklusif mobile content Liga Inggris di Indonesia adalah satu langkah besar untuk memperluas popularitas Liga Inggris di Indonesia. "Sebanyak 51 juta penonton di Indonesia menyaksikan pertandingan sepakbola melalui TV. Ini sama dengan penduduk seluruh Inggris," ujar Andi S. Boediman, Chief Innovation Officer Mojopia. Mojopia menurutnya akan menyediakan informasi terbaru sepanjang musim untuk setiap pertandingan Barclays Premier League.
Richard Scudamore, Chief Executive dari Premiere League menambahkan, "Liga Inggris adalah liga sepak bola yang paling banyak ditonton di dunia dan berada dalam posisi pertama di peringkat UEFA dari Liga Eropa."
Krishnawan Pribadi, VP Digital Music & Content Management Telkomsel menuturkan, "Hak eksklusif Liga Inggris akan menambah portofolio pada Telkomsel untuk konten multimedia. Hal ini akan semakin mengukuhkan Telkomsel bukan hanya sebagai pemimpin pasar pada bisnis telekomunikasi namun juga mengukuhkan Telkomsel perusahaan mobile terkemuka di Indonesia."
Dengan dipegangnya hak eksklusif pada mobile content Liga Inggris oleh TELKOM, diharapkan para penikmat sepak bola akan mendapatkan akses yang sangat mudah, tak hanya menikmati secara visual, namun juga secara mobile.
source : http://www.telkom.co.id/pojok-media/siaran-pers/telkom-peroleh-hak-eksklusif-mobile-content-liga-inggris.html
Monday, August 23, 2010
Online Gambling Never Die
World Cup 2010 have passed. It can be said that soccer was the largest gambling for all people arround the world. But the other games like poker, roulette, blackjack, etc have the same opportunities. World cup involving gamblers around the world but sometimes it was't online gambling. Most people like to bet without the use of skills (use another person skills like soccer gambling). If you are interested in gambling that requires little skill, you can join in internet betting.
What is Online Gambling? Online Gambling commonly referred to as Internet gambling usually occurs because the laying of bets on sports or casino activities through the Internet. Online gambling is actually really good if the whole process (stake, the game and collecting the money) through the Internet. This is usually for the types of games such as lotteries, bingo, Keno.
What is Internet Casino? Internet Casino is sites on the Internet where we can play casino games like blackjack to obtain financial advantage. Generally there are three types of Internet casino, ie, there is a client program which provides free for download, there is provide a Javascript that must be downloaded to play and casino program located on the server using HTML.
What is Online Gambling? Online Gambling commonly referred to as Internet gambling usually occurs because the laying of bets on sports or casino activities through the Internet. Online gambling is actually really good if the whole process (stake, the game and collecting the money) through the Internet. This is usually for the types of games such as lotteries, bingo, Keno.
What is Internet Casino? Internet Casino is sites on the Internet where we can play casino games like blackjack to obtain financial advantage. Generally there are three types of Internet casino, ie, there is a client program which provides free for download, there is provide a Javascript that must be downloaded to play and casino program located on the server using HTML.
Want to play online gambling but you need a trusted site? A site http://onlinecasinospotlight.com/ has provide a trusted site that popular all over the world. This site provide trusted online site that can be choose to play internet bet. if you need online gambling software, they also provide it. rules, intro and many more about online gambling can be found there.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Spesifikasi Asus Eee Pad, alternatif tablet / Pad baru 2010
Apple iPad lagi-lagi akan kedatangan "tamu besar" di jagat tablet PC. Asus baru-baru ini mengumumkan kehadiran tiga tablet layar sentuh terbarunya (Eee Pad). Menariknya, salah satu tablet PC 10 inci akan hadir dengan sistem operasi Android.
Seperti dilaporkan sebelumnya, ASUS concern pada dua jenis tablet. Satunya akan menjalankan OS Google Android dan yang lain akan menjalankan Windows 7. ASUS memilih untuk terlebih dahulu memberikan Windows 7 dan melihat respon karenanya. Tablet Android diharapkan kemudian dalam waktu dekat. Tablet yang terakhir ini pasti dimaksudkan sebagai pesaing bagi iPad (begitu ringan dalam perangkat lunak maupun perangkat keras).
Tanggapan terhadap tablet Windows 7 mungkin akan negatif, seperti yang telah terjadi pada sebagian besar tablet Windows saat ini. Mengapa kemudian ASUS melakukan ini? Yah mungkin untuk mempertahankan hubungan dekat dengan Microsoft dalam hal produksi mereka Windows 7 pada perangkat smartphone. Tapi mereka tidak terlalu yakin.
ASUS Eee Pad specifications for Windows 7 and Android
Display: 10.1-inch resistive multi-touch touchscreen
Graphics: NVidia Tegra graphics accelerator (with 1080p HD video playing)
Resolution: 1024 x 786
Battery: Li-polymer, 8 hours runtime
Processor: ARM CPU
Storage: 64 Gb on integrated flash
Audio: Digital Array Mic
Camera: Integrated 0.3 megapixel webcam
GPS: Integrated A-GPS unit
WiFi: Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n)
3G: Integrated 3G connectivity with UMTS/HSDPA (850, 1900, 2100 MHz)
Interface: 2x USB ports
Price: Around $499
Release date: July (Q3) 2010
ASUS Eee Pad specifications for Windows 7 and Android
Display: 7-inch capacitive multi-touch touchscreen
Graphics: NVidia Tegra graphics accelerator (with 1080p HD video playing)
Resolution: 1024 x 786
Battery: Li-polymer, 8 hours runtime
Processor: ARM CPU
Storage: 64 Gb on integrated flash
Audio: Digital Array Mic
Camera: Integrated 0.3 megapixel webcam
GPS: Integrated A-GPS unit
WiFi: Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n)
3G: Integrated 3G connectivity with UMTS/HSDPA (850, 1900, 2100 MHz)
Interface: 2x USB ports
Price: Around $499
Release date: Q1 2011
source: http://www.asustablet.com/asus-eee-pad-specifications-windows-7-android/
Seperti dilaporkan sebelumnya, ASUS concern pada dua jenis tablet. Satunya akan menjalankan OS Google Android dan yang lain akan menjalankan Windows 7. ASUS memilih untuk terlebih dahulu memberikan Windows 7 dan melihat respon karenanya. Tablet Android diharapkan kemudian dalam waktu dekat. Tablet yang terakhir ini pasti dimaksudkan sebagai pesaing bagi iPad (begitu ringan dalam perangkat lunak maupun perangkat keras).
Tanggapan terhadap tablet Windows 7 mungkin akan negatif, seperti yang telah terjadi pada sebagian besar tablet Windows saat ini. Mengapa kemudian ASUS melakukan ini? Yah mungkin untuk mempertahankan hubungan dekat dengan Microsoft dalam hal produksi mereka Windows 7 pada perangkat smartphone. Tapi mereka tidak terlalu yakin.
ASUS Eee Pad specifications for Windows 7 and Android
Display: 10.1-inch resistive multi-touch touchscreen
Graphics: NVidia Tegra graphics accelerator (with 1080p HD video playing)
Resolution: 1024 x 786
Battery: Li-polymer, 8 hours runtime
Processor: ARM CPU
Storage: 64 Gb on integrated flash
Audio: Digital Array Mic
Camera: Integrated 0.3 megapixel webcam
GPS: Integrated A-GPS unit
WiFi: Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n)
3G: Integrated 3G connectivity with UMTS/HSDPA (850, 1900, 2100 MHz)
Interface: 2x USB ports
Price: Around $499
Release date: July (Q3) 2010
ASUS Eee Pad specifications for Windows 7 and Android
Display: 7-inch capacitive multi-touch touchscreen
Graphics: NVidia Tegra graphics accelerator (with 1080p HD video playing)
Resolution: 1024 x 786
Battery: Li-polymer, 8 hours runtime
Processor: ARM CPU
Storage: 64 Gb on integrated flash
Audio: Digital Array Mic
Camera: Integrated 0.3 megapixel webcam
GPS: Integrated A-GPS unit
WiFi: Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n)
3G: Integrated 3G connectivity with UMTS/HSDPA (850, 1900, 2100 MHz)
Interface: 2x USB ports
Price: Around $499
Release date: Q1 2011
source: http://www.asustablet.com/asus-eee-pad-specifications-windows-7-android/
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Selebrasi Gol Kreatif Islandia : Memancing Ikan
Selebrasi Gol Kreatif Islandia ini adalah ketika tim dari salah satu liga utama Islandia merayakan golnya dengan cara berpura-pura sedang memancing dan melakukan beberapa peniruan sesuai dengan imajinasi yang mereka lakukan.
Ide ini sendiri menurut Bjornsson tercetus saat latihan, timnya menginginkan sebuah selebrasi gol yang sangat unik dan menjadi penyemangat bagi rekan-rekan yang lainnya. Hingga munculah gaya memancing seperti ini.
Qory Sandioriva, Kontestan Miss Universe Indonesia 2010
Qory Sandioriva menjadi kontestan Putri Indonesia asal Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam dalam kontes Puteri Indonesia 2009.
Mahasiswi semester 1 Sastra Prancis Universitas Indonesia ini menjadi Puteri Indonesia 2009 setelah mengalahkan 38 kontestan dari seluruh tanah air.
Mengisi posisi 3 besar Puteri Indonesia 2009 selain Qory adalah Zukhriatul Hafizah kontestan asal Sumatera Barat di posisi kedua dan Isti Ayu Pratiwi asal Maluku Utara yang bertengger di posisi ketiga.
Kemenangan Qory Sandioriva menjadikannya kontestan Miss Universe 2010 dari Indonesia.
Artika Sari Devi sukses menembus 15 besar finalis Miss Universe 2005. Harapan besar juga ditujukan kepada Qory Sandioriva untuk bisa sukses meraih prestasi di ajang bergengsi ini.
Untuk diketahui, ajang Miss Universe 2010 mulai dihelat 7-23 Agustus di Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino di Las Vegas, Amerika Serikat. Pada malam puncak pemilihan Miss Universe 2010, Miss Universe 2009 Stefania Fernandez dari Venezuela akan memahkotai sang pemenang yang berhasil menyisihkan finalis yang tahun ini diikuti 83 peserta.
Keikutsertaan Indonesia dalam ajang Miss Universe seringkali mendapat kontroversi. Kontes sudah berjalan, wakil kita sudah ada disana, tiada hal lain yang dapat kita berikan selain Sukses buat Qory Sandioriva, semoga hasil yang didapat dan penerapannya kemudian membawa kebaikan buat Bangsa Indonesia.
Free Yourself from Queue, Free Yourself From Entertainment Difficulties
Most people like entertainment, even that was crowded. Sometimes crowd also can be fun, where we can watch people, heterogenity and beauty. That can be on Event / Big event / Game like the FIFA WORLD CUP, EURO, NBA, etc.
As a Game, the same thing also happened in the theater, orchestras, concerts, magic and other shows. Concert performances are generally the most visitors than any other show. But the concert will be dominated by young people especially the musicians have popular music today.
Entertainment was never separated from human life. But sometimes entertainment requires hard work to get. Most people are still willing to queue to get entertainment tickets they looked forward to. Now, an online ticket centers serving online purchase entertainments available in the United States.
Ordering tickets will be made easier, because there are some different service. For those who like the entertainment can be booked at the Jersey Boys Tickets. For those who like baseball can be booked at Minute Maid Park Tickets. Oh Yaaa..a world-class energy company that has been colapse was the owner of this place before. Similarly, if you like sports football and basketball, you'll be more spoiled with the ease of booking tickets in Alamodome Tickets. This site has a mission to provide excellent service in ticketing and customer loyalty.
As a Game, the same thing also happened in the theater, orchestras, concerts, magic and other shows. Concert performances are generally the most visitors than any other show. But the concert will be dominated by young people especially the musicians have popular music today.
Entertainment was never separated from human life. But sometimes entertainment requires hard work to get. Most people are still willing to queue to get entertainment tickets they looked forward to. Now, an online ticket centers serving online purchase entertainments available in the United States.
Ordering tickets will be made easier, because there are some different service. For those who like the entertainment can be booked at the Jersey Boys Tickets. For those who like baseball can be booked at Minute Maid Park Tickets. Oh Yaaa..a world-class energy company that has been colapse was the owner of this place before. Similarly, if you like sports football and basketball, you'll be more spoiled with the ease of booking tickets in Alamodome Tickets. This site has a mission to provide excellent service in ticketing and customer loyalty.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Ciri Ciri Tabung Gas yang baik
Banyaknya insiden ledakan tabung gas elpiji juga terjadi akibat penggunaan tabung dan peralatan konversi palsu. Kenali ciri-ciri Tabung Gas yang baik, begitu pula peralatannya yang baik dan asli.
ciri-ciri Tabung Gas Elpiji yang baik
* Tabung mulus dan tidak penyok.
* Terdapat lambang Pertamina, kode produksi, nomor seri, water capacity, tara weight, test pressure, bulan dan tahun pembuatan, tanda SNI.
* Terdapat sablon yang menunjukkan bulan dan uji tabung serta emboss logo Pertamina pada badan tabung.
* Segel dalam keadaan baik.
* Tidak ada kebocoran pada sambungan tabung dengan katup serta sambungan tabung dengan regulator.
Kompor Gas
* Penampilan mulus dan tidak penyok.
* Memiliki tanda kode produksi, nama pabrik pembuat atau merek, nomor SNI kompor.
* Memiliki buku petunjuk garansi sesuai ketentuan produsen kompor dan sambungan selang karet.
* Pemantik berfungsi baik, tidak ada kebocoran, serta kondisi api baik (api berwarna biru).
* Mempunyai tanda nama pabrik atau merek, nomor SNI regulator, bulan, dan tahun pembuatan.
* Tidak ada kebocoran pada badan regulator.
* Ukuran regulator harus pas dengan mulut tabung.
* Tuas regulator dapat berfungsi dengan baik.
Selang Karet
* Mempunyai serat benang atau serat kawat.
* Diameternya sesuai dengan sambungan regulator dan kompor.
* Mempunyai tanda merek produk, nominal ukuran lubang, bulan dan tahun produksi, juga nomor SNI selang.
* Tidak ada kebocoran pada selang dan sambungan ke regulator dan kompor.
Mulut Tabung (katup)
* Terbuat dari bahan kuningan.
* Diameter di bagian atas mulut tabung sesuai dengan bagian dalam regulator.
* Terdapat karet ( rubber seal ) pada lubang katup dengan kondisi halus, tidak mudah robek, sesuai dengan diameter dalam lubang katup.
* Terdapat tanda lambang Pertamina, kode pabrik, bulan dan tahun pembuatan, petunjuk tekanan kerja maksimum.
Menggunakan elpiji Anda lebih menghemat energi dan biaya. Selain itu, memahami dan menerapkan cara penggunaan elpiji sesuai aturan juga membuat Anda tak perlu was-was saat memasak.
Tindakan Terhadap Tabung Gas Pertamina
KOMPAS.com - Sejak diberlakukannya konversi bahan bakar minyak tanah ke elpiji (LPG), muncul berita-berita mengenai kebakaran yang diakibatkan oleh meledaknya tabung elpiji.
Kejadian ini sebagian berawaldari kelalaian dalam pemasangan dan pemeliharaan tabung, serta kompor. Akibatnya kebocoran gas pun terjadi dan menyulut kebakaran. Selain itu, beredarnya tabung elpiji palsu sedikit banyak juga menjadi penyebab.
Sebenarnya elpiji tidaklah berbahaya. Bahkan jika paham dan cermat menggunakannya, elpiji jauh lebih aman dan efisien. Nah, berikut ini cara-cara yang harus dilakukan saat memakai elpiji di rumah:
1. Ketahui sifat elpiji. Elpiji adalah campuran berbagai unsur hidrokarbon yang berasal dari gas alam. Dengan menambah tekanan dan menurunkan suhunya, gas berubah menjadi cair. Karena itu elpiji dipasarkan dalam bentuk cair di tabung-tabung logam bertekanan. Elpiji memiliki sifat berikut:
* Cairan dan gasnya sangat mudah terbakar.
* Gas tidak beracun, tidak berwarna, dan biasanya berbau menyengat.
* Gas dikirimkan sebagai cairan yang bertekanan di dalam tangki atau silinder.
* Cairan dapat menguap jika dilepas dan menyebar dengan cepat.
2. Perlakukan tabung elpiji dengan hati-hati. Letakkan kompor dan tabung elpiji di tempat datar dan di ruangan yang memiliki ventilasi udara yang baik. Idealnya, ventilasi dapur berada di dinding bagian bawah dan mengarah ke luar. Ini karena letak elpiji yang juga di bawah. Dengan demikian, jika tidak sengaja terjadi kebocoran, gas akan langsung tersalurkan ke luar. Tabung elpiji harus ditempatkan jauh dari kompor atau sumber api lain. Upayakan agar tabung tidak terpapar panas atau sinar matahari secara langsung.
3. Buka jendela sebelum menyalakan kompor. Jika dapur tak memiliki sirkulasi udara yang baik, bukalah jendela atau pintu terlebih dulu sebelum menyalakan kompor. Seandainya terjadi kebocoran, jendela atau pintu yang terbuka memungkinkan gas tersebut keluar. Lakukan hal yang sama bila dapur dalam keadaan tertutup dalam jangka waktu lama. Biarkan jendela dan pintu terbuka selama beberapa menit sebelum menyalakan lampu atau peralatan elektronik lainnya.
4. Perhatikan keadaan selang dan regulator. Selang harus terpasang erat dengan penjepit regulator maupun kompor. Pastikan selang tidak tertidih atau tertekuk. Pasang regulator pada mulut tabung elpiji. Setelah posisinya pas dan erat, putar tuas pengaturnya yang berwarna hitam sehingga tanda panahnya mengarah ke bawah dan terdengar bunyi "klik". Pemasangan yang baik tidak akan menyebabkan regulator terlepas dari mulut tabung elpiji.
5. Periksa kondisi tabung secara teratur. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seandainya terjadi kebocoran sehingga bisa segera dilakukan tindakan untuk mengatasinya. Periksa bagian-bagian yang rawan kebocoran, yaitu sambungan regulator dengan mulut tabung serta sambungan selang ke regulator dan ke kompor. Gosoklah bagian-bagian tersebut dengan air sabun. Apabila terjadi kebocoran, akan muncul gelembung-gelembungudara pada air sabun dan tercium bau khas elpiji.
6. Bersihkan kompor, selang, regulator, dan tabung secara teratur. Kompor maupun tabung gas yang kotor, juga bisa memicu insiden berbahaya. Saat memasak mungkin saja bagian-bagian itu terkena percikan makanan. Jika dibiarkan, baunya bisa mengundang binatang, terutama tikus. Tikus bisa menggigiti selang sehingga bolong.
7. Ketahui ciri-ciri terjadinya kebocoran. Berikut ini adalah poin-poin yang bisa dijadikan acuan:
* Tercium bau khas gas elpiji yang menyengat.
* Terdapat embunan di sekitar bagian tabung yang dila, seperti pegangan tabung ( neck ring ), mulut tabung, dan dudukan tabung ( foot ring ).
* Terdengar bunyi mendesis pada regulator.
8. Bertindak cepat. Jika terjadi kebocoran pada tabung gas elpiji, segera lepaskan regulator dan bawa tabung ke luar ruangan. Letakkan di tempat terbuka. Jangan menyalakan api atau listrik saat terjadi kebocoran. Jika ragu, sebaiknya panggil agen atau penjual gas elpiji. Bila memang tabungnya bocor, kembalikan pada agen untuk diganti dengan tabung yang baru.
9. Gunakan peralatan yang sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). Banyaknya insiden peledakan tabung gas elpiji juga terjadi karena penggunaan tabung gas dan peralatan konversi elpiji yang palsu. Anda tentu harus hati-hati. Untuk menghindarinya, sebaiknya manfaatkan paket konversi resmi keluaran Pertamina sesuai SNI.
Pusat Info Pertamina
Hotline 500-000. Telepon: (021) 7917-3000. SMS (021) 7111-3000. Faks: (021) 792-177. Email: pcc @ pertamina.com
Kejadian ini sebagian berawaldari kelalaian dalam pemasangan dan pemeliharaan tabung, serta kompor. Akibatnya kebocoran gas pun terjadi dan menyulut kebakaran. Selain itu, beredarnya tabung elpiji palsu sedikit banyak juga menjadi penyebab.
Sebenarnya elpiji tidaklah berbahaya. Bahkan jika paham dan cermat menggunakannya, elpiji jauh lebih aman dan efisien. Nah, berikut ini cara-cara yang harus dilakukan saat memakai elpiji di rumah:
1. Ketahui sifat elpiji. Elpiji adalah campuran berbagai unsur hidrokarbon yang berasal dari gas alam. Dengan menambah tekanan dan menurunkan suhunya, gas berubah menjadi cair. Karena itu elpiji dipasarkan dalam bentuk cair di tabung-tabung logam bertekanan. Elpiji memiliki sifat berikut:
* Cairan dan gasnya sangat mudah terbakar.
* Gas tidak beracun, tidak berwarna, dan biasanya berbau menyengat.
* Gas dikirimkan sebagai cairan yang bertekanan di dalam tangki atau silinder.
* Cairan dapat menguap jika dilepas dan menyebar dengan cepat.
2. Perlakukan tabung elpiji dengan hati-hati. Letakkan kompor dan tabung elpiji di tempat datar dan di ruangan yang memiliki ventilasi udara yang baik. Idealnya, ventilasi dapur berada di dinding bagian bawah dan mengarah ke luar. Ini karena letak elpiji yang juga di bawah. Dengan demikian, jika tidak sengaja terjadi kebocoran, gas akan langsung tersalurkan ke luar. Tabung elpiji harus ditempatkan jauh dari kompor atau sumber api lain. Upayakan agar tabung tidak terpapar panas atau sinar matahari secara langsung.
3. Buka jendela sebelum menyalakan kompor. Jika dapur tak memiliki sirkulasi udara yang baik, bukalah jendela atau pintu terlebih dulu sebelum menyalakan kompor. Seandainya terjadi kebocoran, jendela atau pintu yang terbuka memungkinkan gas tersebut keluar. Lakukan hal yang sama bila dapur dalam keadaan tertutup dalam jangka waktu lama. Biarkan jendela dan pintu terbuka selama beberapa menit sebelum menyalakan lampu atau peralatan elektronik lainnya.
4. Perhatikan keadaan selang dan regulator. Selang harus terpasang erat dengan penjepit regulator maupun kompor. Pastikan selang tidak tertidih atau tertekuk. Pasang regulator pada mulut tabung elpiji. Setelah posisinya pas dan erat, putar tuas pengaturnya yang berwarna hitam sehingga tanda panahnya mengarah ke bawah dan terdengar bunyi "klik". Pemasangan yang baik tidak akan menyebabkan regulator terlepas dari mulut tabung elpiji.
5. Periksa kondisi tabung secara teratur. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seandainya terjadi kebocoran sehingga bisa segera dilakukan tindakan untuk mengatasinya. Periksa bagian-bagian yang rawan kebocoran, yaitu sambungan regulator dengan mulut tabung serta sambungan selang ke regulator dan ke kompor. Gosoklah bagian-bagian tersebut dengan air sabun. Apabila terjadi kebocoran, akan muncul gelembung-gelembungudara pada air sabun dan tercium bau khas elpiji.
6. Bersihkan kompor, selang, regulator, dan tabung secara teratur. Kompor maupun tabung gas yang kotor, juga bisa memicu insiden berbahaya. Saat memasak mungkin saja bagian-bagian itu terkena percikan makanan. Jika dibiarkan, baunya bisa mengundang binatang, terutama tikus. Tikus bisa menggigiti selang sehingga bolong.
7. Ketahui ciri-ciri terjadinya kebocoran. Berikut ini adalah poin-poin yang bisa dijadikan acuan:
* Tercium bau khas gas elpiji yang menyengat.
* Terdapat embunan di sekitar bagian tabung yang dila, seperti pegangan tabung ( neck ring ), mulut tabung, dan dudukan tabung ( foot ring ).
* Terdengar bunyi mendesis pada regulator.
8. Bertindak cepat. Jika terjadi kebocoran pada tabung gas elpiji, segera lepaskan regulator dan bawa tabung ke luar ruangan. Letakkan di tempat terbuka. Jangan menyalakan api atau listrik saat terjadi kebocoran. Jika ragu, sebaiknya panggil agen atau penjual gas elpiji. Bila memang tabungnya bocor, kembalikan pada agen untuk diganti dengan tabung yang baru.
9. Gunakan peralatan yang sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). Banyaknya insiden peledakan tabung gas elpiji juga terjadi karena penggunaan tabung gas dan peralatan konversi elpiji yang palsu. Anda tentu harus hati-hati. Untuk menghindarinya, sebaiknya manfaatkan paket konversi resmi keluaran Pertamina sesuai SNI.
Pusat Info Pertamina
Hotline 500-000. Telepon: (021) 7917-3000. SMS (021) 7111-3000. Faks: (021) 792-177. Email: pcc @ pertamina.com
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Kontroversi Lagu Melinda "Cinta Satu Malam" Jiplakan..
Cukup kontroversial, katanya indonesia menerapkan UU Pornografi, kok kayak gini. wacana selalu beda dengan kenyataan..Semoga pemerintah lebih membuka mata untuk melakukan filterisasi terhadap seni yang ada.
disamping itu ada juga komentar tentang lagu ini yg penulis dapatkan dari youtube ini lagunya ngejiplak..tentunya benar....dimana kreatifitas kita..?
Lihat lagu Cascada - "Everytime We Touch" dan bandingkan Lagu Melinda "Cinta Satu Malam",
aduh..ini komentar yang saya sedikit dapatkan di Youtube..
klik link berikut untuk menyimak Cascada - "Everytime We Touch"
this is the lowest kind of music , where a producer just take a song from another country, change the lyrics, and get a random bitch to sing it, and sell it. for those who dont know This is a direct copy of " everytime we touch " by cascada.
ini lagu nge jiplak lagunya "everytime we touch" hmpir sama tuh !
jiahh iya, ngejiplak pantesan :cd
Terlepas dari komentar...banyak orang suka..mau di bawa kemana...........
disamping itu ada juga komentar tentang lagu ini yg penulis dapatkan dari youtube ini lagunya ngejiplak..tentunya benar....dimana kreatifitas kita..?
Lihat lagu Cascada - "Everytime We Touch" dan bandingkan Lagu Melinda "Cinta Satu Malam",
aduh..ini komentar yang saya sedikit dapatkan di Youtube..
klik link berikut untuk menyimak Cascada - "Everytime We Touch"
this is the lowest kind of music , where a producer just take a song from another country, change the lyrics, and get a random bitch to sing it, and sell it. for those who dont know This is a direct copy of " everytime we touch " by cascada.
ini lagu nge jiplak lagunya "everytime we touch" hmpir sama tuh !
jiahh iya, ngejiplak pantesan :cd
Terlepas dari komentar...banyak orang suka..mau di bawa kemana...........
Klarifikasi Video Keong Racun oleh Shinta dan Jojo
Menanggapi pemberitaan yang kian menjadi-jadi tentang video Shinta dan Jojo, Shinta dan Jojo mau klarifikasi. sebenernya Shinta dan Jojo ga ada maksud buat tenar atau ngartis, ga ada niat sama sekali, apalagi kena famous syndrom . malah kita takut, malu, syok ada pemberitaan yang engga-engga gara2 ini, disini biar jelas kita ceritain :
Jadi kenapa kita ngapload video ke youtube ?
tadinya ga akan dimasukin youtube tapi dimasukin ke facebook buat koleksi pribadi Shinta dan Jojo dan temen-temen deket aja ( yang pada kenal ) di FB/tw, nah selain itu juga pengen ngasi liat ke pacar sinta yang lagi jauh ( LONGDISTANCE RELATIONSHIP ), dmna lagi selain di DUNIA MAYA yang canggih, tetapi kita ada hambatannya pas lagi apload ke facebook ukuran videonya kegedean setiap di apload gagal di tengah jalan dan itu berlanjut sampai 3 hari, akhirnya lewat youtube sama sinta di cobain ternyata berhasil dan cepet aploadnya (setelah di convert ), makanya dimasukin buat di copy linknya aja, pas 2 hari kemudian melihat respond dari orang2 kita kaget ngerasa ketakutan berlebih gimana gitu .
makanya kita hapus supaya ga berkepanjangan , gda maksud buat tenar juga, kita gapernah bikin fan page di fb atau apa-apa, di youtube juga gtau siapa yang apload sampai menyebar seperti ini di luar kendali kita itu semua, jadi sinta ma jojo minta tolong jangan diperpanjang lagi yah, ga enak juga sama tetangga sama keluarga sama pacar , kan kita manusia biasa punya kehidupan, lagian kita bukan artis dan ga maksud buat tenar masih banyak yang lebih penting buat di bahas , ga enak juga kalo kedengeran mamah apalagi kalo keluarga ngedenger yang negatifnya komentarnya aduh berbahaya sekali …
Jadi kita minta jangan diperpanjang lagi yah pemberitaan tentang kita apalagi terlalu di blow up privasi kitanya ngerasa keganggu ga enak , lagian bukan artis ini cuma iseng-iseng cari hiburan pribadi aja
terakhirnya saya minta kaskuser youtube dll yg udah upload video2nya tolong d hapus lagi ya
maaf sebelumnya ya kalo ada pihak-pihak yang tersinggung, kita ( Shinta dan Jojo ) cuma manusia biasa ...
Asal Mula dan Lirik Lagu Keong Racun
Lagu yang dinyanyikan secara lipsync oleh dua remaja wanita ini, Shinta dan Jojo, diciptakan oleh Subur Tahroni. Di Bandung, Subur dikenal sebagai pencipta lagu yang produktif. Berusia 49 tahun, ia tinggal di sebuah rumah sempit berukuran 5 x 6 meter.
Rumah sederhana itu bersesakan dengan rumah-rumah kecil lain di Gang Siti Mariah, Kelurahan Jamika, Kecamatan Bojongloa Kaler, Kota Bandung. Bersama istrinya dan keempat anaknya, Subur sudah lama tinggal di situ. Tinggal di kawasan yang padat, di tengah banyak orang yang susah, justru membuat daya cipta Subur Tahroni selalu menyala. Dia merekam begitu banyak ironi kehidupan.
Lagu Keong Racun juga diinspirasi dari kehidupan orang-orang di sekitar Subur. Anak Subur bernama Bayu Eka Prasetya mengisahkan lagu itu digubah sang ayah pada tahun 2008, diilhami oleh kawannya yang seorang playboy tulen alias doyan gonta-ganti pacar.
"Saya tanya ke Bapak soal lagu ini, kata Bapak lagu ini cerita tentang temannya yang suka main cewek, playboy," kata Bayu kepada VIVAnews.com. Dia menambahkan, ayahnya makin dikenal masyarakat sejak lagu Keong Racun berkumandang di mana-mana.
Bayu beserta ibunya Yeti Wartini (49) mengaku senang lagu ciptaan Subur bisa terkenal di seluruh negeri setelah dinyanyikan secara lipsync oleh Shinta dan Jojo. Menurut Bayu, ayahnya yang seniman tidak mempermasalahkan lagunya dinyanyikan oleh orang lain.
Selain Keong Racun, Buy Akur--begitu Subur biasa disapa--telah menciptakan ratusan lagu dari berbagai genre, seperti rock, pop, dan dangdut.
Bayu mengisahkan suatu hari Lisa, penyanyi yang pertama kali mendendangkan lagu Keong Racun, pernah datang ke rumahnya bersama Charlie - ST12. Mereka berniat membeli hak cipta lagu itu.
Bayu tak tahu berapa lagu-lagu ciptaan Buy selama ini dihargai. "Sudah profesi Bapak untuk menciptakan lagu, saya tidak tahu harga satu lagu berapa," kata Bayu.
Inilah Lirik Lagu Keong Racun yang sedang meledak di blantika musik nasional itu:
Dasar kau keong racun
Baru kenal eh ngajak tidur
Ngomong nggak sopan santun
Kau anggap aku ayam kampung
Kau rayu diriku
Kau goda diriku
Kau colek diriku
Eh, ku takut sekali
Tanpa basa basi kau ngajak happy happy
Eh, kau tak tahu malu
Tanpa basa basi kau ngajak happy happy
Mulut kumat kemot
Matanya melotot
Lihat body semok
Pikiranmu jorok
Mentang-mentang kau kaya
Aku dianggap jablay
Dasar koboy kucai
Ngajak check-in dan santai
Sorry sorry sorry, Jack
Jangan remehkan aku
Sorry sorry sorry, Bang
Ku bukan cewek murahan
sumber : http://showbiz.vivanews.com/news/read/167684-asal-usul-keong-racun
Rumah sederhana itu bersesakan dengan rumah-rumah kecil lain di Gang Siti Mariah, Kelurahan Jamika, Kecamatan Bojongloa Kaler, Kota Bandung. Bersama istrinya dan keempat anaknya, Subur sudah lama tinggal di situ. Tinggal di kawasan yang padat, di tengah banyak orang yang susah, justru membuat daya cipta Subur Tahroni selalu menyala. Dia merekam begitu banyak ironi kehidupan.
Lagu Keong Racun juga diinspirasi dari kehidupan orang-orang di sekitar Subur. Anak Subur bernama Bayu Eka Prasetya mengisahkan lagu itu digubah sang ayah pada tahun 2008, diilhami oleh kawannya yang seorang playboy tulen alias doyan gonta-ganti pacar.
"Saya tanya ke Bapak soal lagu ini, kata Bapak lagu ini cerita tentang temannya yang suka main cewek, playboy," kata Bayu kepada VIVAnews.com. Dia menambahkan, ayahnya makin dikenal masyarakat sejak lagu Keong Racun berkumandang di mana-mana.
Bayu beserta ibunya Yeti Wartini (49) mengaku senang lagu ciptaan Subur bisa terkenal di seluruh negeri setelah dinyanyikan secara lipsync oleh Shinta dan Jojo. Menurut Bayu, ayahnya yang seniman tidak mempermasalahkan lagunya dinyanyikan oleh orang lain.
Selain Keong Racun, Buy Akur--begitu Subur biasa disapa--telah menciptakan ratusan lagu dari berbagai genre, seperti rock, pop, dan dangdut.
Bayu mengisahkan suatu hari Lisa, penyanyi yang pertama kali mendendangkan lagu Keong Racun, pernah datang ke rumahnya bersama Charlie - ST12. Mereka berniat membeli hak cipta lagu itu.
Bayu tak tahu berapa lagu-lagu ciptaan Buy selama ini dihargai. "Sudah profesi Bapak untuk menciptakan lagu, saya tidak tahu harga satu lagu berapa," kata Bayu.
Inilah Lirik Lagu Keong Racun yang sedang meledak di blantika musik nasional itu:
Dasar kau keong racun
Baru kenal eh ngajak tidur
Ngomong nggak sopan santun
Kau anggap aku ayam kampung
Kau rayu diriku
Kau goda diriku
Kau colek diriku
Eh, ku takut sekali
Tanpa basa basi kau ngajak happy happy
Eh, kau tak tahu malu
Tanpa basa basi kau ngajak happy happy
Mulut kumat kemot
Matanya melotot
Lihat body semok
Pikiranmu jorok
Mentang-mentang kau kaya
Aku dianggap jablay
Dasar koboy kucai
Ngajak check-in dan santai
Sorry sorry sorry, Jack
Jangan remehkan aku
Sorry sorry sorry, Bang
Ku bukan cewek murahan
sumber : http://showbiz.vivanews.com/news/read/167684-asal-usul-keong-racun
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Ramalan Paul Si Gurita Tentang Final Piala Dunia 2010 Belanda kontra Spanyol
Gurita bernama Paul yang dikenal dengan kemampuan meramalnya memprediksi Spanyol menjadi juara dunia mengalahkan Belanda pada pertandingan final 11 Juli 2010. Paul juga memprediksi Jerman akan mengalahkan Uruguay memperebutkan tempat ketiga dan ini sudah terbukti dengan keunggulan jerman 3-2 atas Uruguay.
Video untuk Ramalan Paul Si Gurita Tentang Final Piala Dunia 2010 Belanda kontra Spanyol
Seperti yang telah dilakukan Paul setiap menjelang pertandingan Jerman, gurita ini diberi opsi dua makanan yang terletak dalam dua kotak berbeda. Kotak dan makanannya sama, kecuali bendera yang terpasang di dinding akuarium. Dan untuk kotak Belanda dan Spanyol, BBC melaporkan, Jumat 9 Juli 2010, Paul memilih makanan yang terletak di kotak berbendera Spanyol. ini adalah pertama kalinya dilakukan untuk pertandingan yang tidak melibatkan tim nasional Jerman.
Ramalan gurita paul selama pegelaran piala dunia kali ini cukup berhasil. seperti saat gurita yang tinggal di Sea Life Aquarium di Oberhausen, kota di barat Jerman itu, memprediksi bahwa Serbia akan mengalahkan Jerman di babak penyisihan grup. Bahkan dia juga memprediksi dengan tepat kekalahan Jerman dari Spanyol pada saat semifinal piala dunia 2010.
Namun. banyak juga pihak yang meragukan Paul kali ini, pasalnya ini bukan pertandingan Jerman dan juga Tebakan Paul untuk partai final juga salah, kejadiannya dua tahun lalu di Piala Eropa 2008 saat Jerman melawan Spanyol, saat itu Paul memilih Jerman.
Tapi apa pun itu, Gurita Paul sudah mem-prediksi pertandingan Belanda vs Spanyol yang mana jadi pilihannya adalah bendera La Furia Roja atau yang akan memenangkan Piala Dunia 2010. Jadi kesimpulanya. Sekarang terserah anda mau percaya pilihan Gurita atau tidak, Jangan diancam mau dibunuh yaaaa.....!!!!
Video untuk Ramalan Paul Si Gurita Tentang Final Piala Dunia 2010 Belanda kontra Spanyol
Seperti yang telah dilakukan Paul setiap menjelang pertandingan Jerman, gurita ini diberi opsi dua makanan yang terletak dalam dua kotak berbeda. Kotak dan makanannya sama, kecuali bendera yang terpasang di dinding akuarium. Dan untuk kotak Belanda dan Spanyol, BBC melaporkan, Jumat 9 Juli 2010, Paul memilih makanan yang terletak di kotak berbendera Spanyol. ini adalah pertama kalinya dilakukan untuk pertandingan yang tidak melibatkan tim nasional Jerman.
Ramalan gurita paul selama pegelaran piala dunia kali ini cukup berhasil. seperti saat gurita yang tinggal di Sea Life Aquarium di Oberhausen, kota di barat Jerman itu, memprediksi bahwa Serbia akan mengalahkan Jerman di babak penyisihan grup. Bahkan dia juga memprediksi dengan tepat kekalahan Jerman dari Spanyol pada saat semifinal piala dunia 2010.
Namun. banyak juga pihak yang meragukan Paul kali ini, pasalnya ini bukan pertandingan Jerman dan juga Tebakan Paul untuk partai final juga salah, kejadiannya dua tahun lalu di Piala Eropa 2008 saat Jerman melawan Spanyol, saat itu Paul memilih Jerman.
Tapi apa pun itu, Gurita Paul sudah mem-prediksi pertandingan Belanda vs Spanyol yang mana jadi pilihannya adalah bendera La Furia Roja atau yang akan memenangkan Piala Dunia 2010. Jadi kesimpulanya. Sekarang terserah anda mau percaya pilihan Gurita atau tidak, Jangan diancam mau dibunuh yaaaa.....!!!!
Hewan Peramal Piala Dunia 2010 : Paul Si Gurita, Pino Si Simpanse
Paul Si Gurita peramal memang menjadi fenomena menarik di Piala Dunia 2010 ini. Pada partai final, Spanyol kontra Belanda, Gurita Paul telah menentukan pilihan jika Spanyol akan menaklukkan Belanda.
Paul selalu tepat memprediksikan laju Jerman di Afrika Selatan. Gurita ini pula yang menentukan jika langkah Der Panzer terhenti di tangan Spanyol. Melihat catatan ramalan Gurita Pau, tentu pendukung Belanda akan dibuat was-was.
Namun kini ada peramal baru yang dapat membuat suporter De Oranje bahagia. Jika Spanyol mendapat dukungan gurita maka Belanda mendapat dukungan dari seekor simpanse.
Seperti yang dilansir sebuah tabloid Estonia, Ohtuleht, Sabtu 10 Juli 2010, seekor simpanse pintar bernama Pino telah memprediksikan Belanda akan tampil sebagai juara di turnamen sepakbola terakbar itu.
Sayangnya prediksi Pino sedikit bias. Pasalnya, simpanse cerdas ini lahir di Amsterdam, Belanda. Pino merupakan penghuni kebun binatang di Tallinn, Estonia setelah didatangkan pada 1994 silam.
Dalam ritual ramalannya, Simpanse Pino ditawarkan dua kantong kertas yang berisi makanan ringan, masing-masing dihiasi dengan bendera Belanda atau Spanyol. Dia langsung memilih kotak berwarna Merah, Putih dan Biru yang merupakan bendera Belanda.
Uji coba di kebun binatang Estonia ini juga dilakukan pada seekor babi berjenis Red River Afrika. Meski terlihat ragu-ragu, namun babi ini juga memilih kotak berbendera Belanda.
Kini, tinggal menunggu dukun siapa yang lebih kuat untuk partai final nanti. Belanda mendapat dukungan seekor simpanse dan babi sedangkan Spanyol mendapat dukungan dari gurita.
Melihat keadaan sebelumnya Paul si gurita yang menjadi penghuni Sea Life di Jerman, bikin geger karena ia memilih Spanyol sebagai pemenang semifinal antara Jerman dan Spanyol. Padahal, gurita berumur dua tahun ini selalu menjagokan "Panser". Ketika Jerman melawan Inggris dan Argentina, misalnya, binatang berkaki tujuh itu selalu memilih makanan dari wadah berbendera Jerman, yang menunjukkan pemenang pada laga-laga tersebut.
Sementara itu, skuad Jerman berharap akan tuah sweter biru milik sang pelatih. Para pembantu Loew meminta sang pelatih agar tidak mencuci baju hangat lengan panjang itu karena hal itu diyakini dapat membawa keberuntungan bagi "Die Mannschaft". Selama tiga kali Loew mengenakannya, "Der Panzer" mengalahkan Australia 4-0, Inggris 4-1, dan Argentina 4-0.
Kekuatan "magis" sweter itu akhirnya luntur oleh ramalan Gurita Paul. Jerman gagal memperlihatkan serangan balik cepat dan permainan eksplosif. Jerman justru tak mampu keluar dari tekanan. Gawang Jerman koyak oleh sundulan Carles Puyol pada menit ke-73. Tandukan itu pula yang mengantarkan "Matador" ke final.
• VIVAnews & Kompas
Paul selalu tepat memprediksikan laju Jerman di Afrika Selatan. Gurita ini pula yang menentukan jika langkah Der Panzer terhenti di tangan Spanyol. Melihat catatan ramalan Gurita Pau, tentu pendukung Belanda akan dibuat was-was.
Namun kini ada peramal baru yang dapat membuat suporter De Oranje bahagia. Jika Spanyol mendapat dukungan gurita maka Belanda mendapat dukungan dari seekor simpanse.
Seperti yang dilansir sebuah tabloid Estonia, Ohtuleht, Sabtu 10 Juli 2010, seekor simpanse pintar bernama Pino telah memprediksikan Belanda akan tampil sebagai juara di turnamen sepakbola terakbar itu.
Sayangnya prediksi Pino sedikit bias. Pasalnya, simpanse cerdas ini lahir di Amsterdam, Belanda. Pino merupakan penghuni kebun binatang di Tallinn, Estonia setelah didatangkan pada 1994 silam.
Dalam ritual ramalannya, Simpanse Pino ditawarkan dua kantong kertas yang berisi makanan ringan, masing-masing dihiasi dengan bendera Belanda atau Spanyol. Dia langsung memilih kotak berwarna Merah, Putih dan Biru yang merupakan bendera Belanda.
Uji coba di kebun binatang Estonia ini juga dilakukan pada seekor babi berjenis Red River Afrika. Meski terlihat ragu-ragu, namun babi ini juga memilih kotak berbendera Belanda.
Kini, tinggal menunggu dukun siapa yang lebih kuat untuk partai final nanti. Belanda mendapat dukungan seekor simpanse dan babi sedangkan Spanyol mendapat dukungan dari gurita.
Melihat keadaan sebelumnya Paul si gurita yang menjadi penghuni Sea Life di Jerman, bikin geger karena ia memilih Spanyol sebagai pemenang semifinal antara Jerman dan Spanyol. Padahal, gurita berumur dua tahun ini selalu menjagokan "Panser". Ketika Jerman melawan Inggris dan Argentina, misalnya, binatang berkaki tujuh itu selalu memilih makanan dari wadah berbendera Jerman, yang menunjukkan pemenang pada laga-laga tersebut.
Sementara itu, skuad Jerman berharap akan tuah sweter biru milik sang pelatih. Para pembantu Loew meminta sang pelatih agar tidak mencuci baju hangat lengan panjang itu karena hal itu diyakini dapat membawa keberuntungan bagi "Die Mannschaft". Selama tiga kali Loew mengenakannya, "Der Panzer" mengalahkan Australia 4-0, Inggris 4-1, dan Argentina 4-0.
Kekuatan "magis" sweter itu akhirnya luntur oleh ramalan Gurita Paul. Jerman gagal memperlihatkan serangan balik cepat dan permainan eksplosif. Jerman justru tak mampu keluar dari tekanan. Gawang Jerman koyak oleh sundulan Carles Puyol pada menit ke-73. Tandukan itu pula yang mengantarkan "Matador" ke final.
• VIVAnews & Kompas
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Tracks 9-18 are the Main songs from "My World 2.0"
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8 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - Eenie Meenie
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10 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - That Should Be Me
Missing Songs
"My World"
9. "One Less Lonely Girl - French Version"
"My World 2.0"
11. "Kiss & Tell - iTunes Bonus"
12. "Where Are You Now - Walmart Bonus"
Silakan Download Lagu - Lagu Justin Beiber di http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5487742/Justin_Beiber_full_Album_2.0_SKANGSTER
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1 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - One Time
2 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - Favourite Girl
3 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - Down to Earth
4 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - Bigger
5 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - One Less Lonely Girl
6 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - First Dance
7 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - Love Me
8 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - Common Denominator
Tracks 9-18 are the Main songs from "My World 2.0"
1 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - Baby
2 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - Somebody to Love
3 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - Stuck in the Moment
4 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - U Smile
5 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - Runaway Love
6 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - Never Let you Go
7 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - Overboard
8 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - Eenie Meenie
9 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - Up
10 Download Lagu Lagu Justin Beiber - That Should Be Me
Missing Songs
"My World"
9. "One Less Lonely Girl - French Version"
"My World 2.0"
11. "Kiss & Tell - iTunes Bonus"
12. "Where Are You Now - Walmart Bonus"
Silakan Download Lagu - Lagu Justin Beiber di http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5487742/Justin_Beiber_full_Album_2.0_SKANGSTER
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Saturday, June 26, 2010
Perjalanan Kereta Api Surabaya - Bandung
Jika anda ingin menikmati perjalanan kereta api dengan kelas eksekutif dari Surabaya ke Bandung, perjalanan dapat dilakukan dengan kereta argowilis (Berangkat pagi hari (07.00 atau 07.30)) atau kereta Turangga (Berangkat sore hari (18.00 atau 18.30)). Harga tiket Kereta Api Surabaya - Bandung naik pada akhir pekan / akhir bulan, bisa mencapai Rp.320.000. sementara harga tiket Kereta Api Surabaya - Bandung terendah berkisar di harga 220.000.
Perjalanan Kereta Api Surabaya - Bandung dapat ditempuh dalam waktu rata-rata 12 Jam atau bahkan lebih (14 Jam). Perjalanan Kereta Api Surabaya - Bandung tidak mendapatkan makan, jadi bersiap-siaplah dengan stok makanan.Perjalanan dari Bandung ke Surabaya memiliki harga tiket yang lebih murah. Saat saya berangkat, harga tiket Kereta Api Surabaya - Bandung mencapai Rp. 320.000, sedangkan harga tiket Kereta Api Bandung-Surabaya hanya Rp. 220.000.
Bagi anda yang akan menikmati perjalanan dengan sarana kereta api, selamat menikmati perjalanan. Semoga selamat samai tujuan
Perjalanan Kereta Api Surabaya - Bandung dapat ditempuh dalam waktu rata-rata 12 Jam atau bahkan lebih (14 Jam). Perjalanan Kereta Api Surabaya - Bandung tidak mendapatkan makan, jadi bersiap-siaplah dengan stok makanan.Perjalanan dari Bandung ke Surabaya memiliki harga tiket yang lebih murah. Saat saya berangkat, harga tiket Kereta Api Surabaya - Bandung mencapai Rp. 320.000, sedangkan harga tiket Kereta Api Bandung-Surabaya hanya Rp. 220.000.
Bagi anda yang akan menikmati perjalanan dengan sarana kereta api, selamat menikmati perjalanan. Semoga selamat samai tujuan
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Bright Future: Gold Investment in form of Coin and Bullion
There are many investment choices available in gold right now. Gold investment maybe the best investment because its price always increase from the past and also the future. You can invest in gold not only in the form of gold jewelery and gold bullion of course (form of investment in gold, the most widely known today) but you could also invest in other way such as buying shares of gold mining companies as well as derivative products such as buying gold futures contract.
Below is the various way of gold investments:
1. Gold Jewelry
If your goal is an investment in short-term profits, it's usually difficult to get the benefits if you invest in term of gold jewelry. This is because the price of gold jewelry purchased plus the cost of manufacture.
A moment later when you want to sell it back, the gold shops wouldn't pay the cost of the manufacture. Some gold shops sometimes refused to purchase gold jewelry from the public. The causes can be vary, such as outdated models, fluctuating prices and they do not want to buy high price. So it's possible your gold jewelry price lower than first time you bought it.
2. Gold Bullion
The good method in gold investment in the form of gold bullion (gold bars). Gold bars are easier to resell. In addition, gold does not ask the cost of manufacture as well as gold jewelry. Therefore, if you want to invest in gold, then there's nothing wrong if you're considering an investment in gold bullion.
3. Gold Coins
Gold coins is expected to be a viable investment alternative for those who want to save money to prepare for the Hajj expenses. Gold Coins in fact be very beneficial to the holder, because the gold would be better to have a better positioning in the market.
4. Gold Certificate
Gold certificate is a piece of paper that is proof of ownership of the gold stored at the bank in a country. The owner of gold certificates holding a single sheet of paper that can be cashed at the bank. The principle of this gold certificate is a fairly profitable investment alternative because the owner does not remove the gold storage fee. Unlike buying gold in physical form, which requires costs to keep the gold storage in safe deposit boxes.
5. Gold Mining Company Stocks
You can also buy shares of gold mining companies as an alternative you invest in gold. In the state of the gold market is rising or bullish, stocks usually move faster than the price of physical gold itself. Which means that when gold prices rise, the price of both gold mining company shares also become higher. But by this method of investment, you must be careful about stock investing and need to learn about stock exchange first.
6. Gold Futures Contracts
We may deal in the physical but also can trade futures. Obviously you need to study further for gold investing in gold contracts in this Futures Exchange.
As we know there are 2 best way in gold investment : Gold Bullion and Gold Coin. We can sell or buy gold bullion everywhere all over the world. We also can sell or buy bullion in term of Gold Futures Contracts because it has a measure named a lot, equal to 1000 grams.
Beside an common way investment, a different way also popular in gold investment nowadays. It was
An Individual Retirement Account (or IRA) is a retirement plan account or in real basic terms, investment accumulation for retirement and which provides some specific tax advantages for retirement savings in the United States. Gold IRA can be alternative to assure your future after retirement.
Below is the various way of gold investments:
1. Gold Jewelry
If your goal is an investment in short-term profits, it's usually difficult to get the benefits if you invest in term of gold jewelry. This is because the price of gold jewelry purchased plus the cost of manufacture.
A moment later when you want to sell it back, the gold shops wouldn't pay the cost of the manufacture. Some gold shops sometimes refused to purchase gold jewelry from the public. The causes can be vary, such as outdated models, fluctuating prices and they do not want to buy high price. So it's possible your gold jewelry price lower than first time you bought it.
2. Gold Bullion
The good method in gold investment in the form of gold bullion (gold bars). Gold bars are easier to resell. In addition, gold does not ask the cost of manufacture as well as gold jewelry. Therefore, if you want to invest in gold, then there's nothing wrong if you're considering an investment in gold bullion.
3. Gold Coins
Gold coins is expected to be a viable investment alternative for those who want to save money to prepare for the Hajj expenses. Gold Coins in fact be very beneficial to the holder, because the gold would be better to have a better positioning in the market.
4. Gold Certificate
Gold certificate is a piece of paper that is proof of ownership of the gold stored at the bank in a country. The owner of gold certificates holding a single sheet of paper that can be cashed at the bank. The principle of this gold certificate is a fairly profitable investment alternative because the owner does not remove the gold storage fee. Unlike buying gold in physical form, which requires costs to keep the gold storage in safe deposit boxes.
5. Gold Mining Company Stocks
You can also buy shares of gold mining companies as an alternative you invest in gold. In the state of the gold market is rising or bullish, stocks usually move faster than the price of physical gold itself. Which means that when gold prices rise, the price of both gold mining company shares also become higher. But by this method of investment, you must be careful about stock investing and need to learn about stock exchange first.
6. Gold Futures Contracts
We may deal in the physical but also can trade futures. Obviously you need to study further for gold investing in gold contracts in this Futures Exchange.
As we know there are 2 best way in gold investment : Gold Bullion and Gold Coin. We can sell or buy gold bullion everywhere all over the world. We also can sell or buy bullion in term of Gold Futures Contracts because it has a measure named a lot, equal to 1000 grams.
Beside an common way investment, a different way also popular in gold investment nowadays. It was
An Individual Retirement Account (or IRA) is a retirement plan account or in real basic terms, investment accumulation for retirement and which provides some specific tax advantages for retirement savings in the United States. Gold IRA can be alternative to assure your future after retirement.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Another Twitter Over Capacity Screenshot
Have you ever visited and found the error message twitter.com
Twitter is over capacity.
Too many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again.
There are several possibilities that we can assume why this could happen
1. Too many posts to twitter in the same period. This causes the twitter server busy.
2. Twitter might be attacks, which sometimes like Denial of Service.
3. Twitter site maintenance.
In accordance of Twitter is over capacity. Too many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again, the things that we can do is wait until twitter normal again and not in a peak time to update our Tweet.
So the solution to the problems Twitter is over capacity. Too many tweets! is wait a moment and try again. There would be less than five minutes [my experience:: I hope you are quicker ....]
Another Twitter Over Capacity Screenshot can be like this picture below.
Twitter is over capacity.
Too many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again.
There are several possibilities that we can assume why this could happen
1. Too many posts to twitter in the same period. This causes the twitter server busy.
2. Twitter might be attacks, which sometimes like Denial of Service.
3. Twitter site maintenance.
In accordance of Twitter is over capacity. Too many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again, the things that we can do is wait until twitter normal again and not in a peak time to update our Tweet.
So the solution to the problems Twitter is over capacity. Too many tweets! is wait a moment and try again. There would be less than five minutes [my experience:: I hope you are quicker ....]
Another Twitter Over Capacity Screenshot can be like this picture below.
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